On 25 t hJ uly 20118:30 A.M.
Designated Diplo ma
Electr icalEngineering Discipline;Electr ical & Electr onics
Computer Science
on 26thJuly 20 118:30 A.M.
Electr onics & Communicatio n
Electr onics & Telecommunication
at Centre For Lear ning &
Bhar at Electr o nics Ltd.
Jalahalli Po st
Bangalor e-560 013
Mode of Select ion:
1. Selectio n will be thr ough inter view only.
Eligibility Criteria t o appear for int erview:
1. Pass in Diploma in Eng ineering. Only I ndian Nationals are eligib le.
2. Age limit : Candid ates should be below 23 years as on 01.08 .2011 . Upp er age limit is
r elaxed fo r 5 year s in cas e of SC, ST, & PHP candidates and 3 year s for OBC
candid ates only.
3. Candidates s hou ld have pas sed Diploma examinatio n on or af ter 01.01.2009 .
4. Following ar e the document s to be p roduced in o riginal for ver if icatio n.
SSLC Mar ks Car d ( as proof of age) .
Dip loma Or iginal Cer tificate o r Provisio nal Dip loma certif icate.
SC/ST/OBC/PHP cer tif icates ( if any for ver if ication)
5. No TA/DA will be paid to the candid ates to attend the Walk- in- I nter view.
6. The selected candidates will be is sued provis ional offer letter s for Ap pr entice
tr aining u nder Ap pr entices hip Act.
General Det ails:
Cand idates who fulf ill the above co nditio ns only need to appear for the I nter view.
The dur ation of the Appr entice Training is for ONE YEAR only.
St ipend is as per the Gover nment nor ms (Rs.2,530 / -per mont h)
Cant een and Transport at no minal char ges
OPD medical facilities at BEL Hospital
Dormit ory Accommodation for outstation candidates
No te: Canvassin g in an y form will b e results in disqualification.