please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें
Showing posts with label ROURKELA/RECRUITMENT OF NON-TEACHING POSTS/AUGUST 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ROURKELA/RECRUITMENT OF NON-TEACHING POSTS/AUGUST 2011. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


Closing Date – 26/08/2011

NIT, Rourkela invites applications  in prescribed format  from Indian nationals possessing 
excellent academic background for the following posts.

A. Pay Scale – PB-3, AGP - ` 8,000, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 21,900
B. Qualification –
(i) A Master’s degree in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation with
at least 55% of marks or its equivalent and consistently good academic record.
(ii) Evidence of innovative library services and organization, Published work and
professional commitment, computerization of library.
C. Experience  – At least 5 years experience as an Assistant University Librarian  or
equivalent in the Pay Scale of ` 15600-39100 with AGP of ` 6000 (pre-revised scale of  `
8000-275-13500) in reputed institute / University / industry or any other organization with
strong emphasis on research in Engineering/Technology.
D. Desirable – M.Phil / Ph.D in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation.

A. Pay Scale – PB-3, GP - ` 7,600, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 21,900
B. Qualification  – A postgraduate degree in any discipline  with at least  55% marks or its
equivalent and consistently good academic record.
C. Experience –
(i)  5 years’ of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.6000/- and above
with experience in educational administration, or
(ii)  Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institutions of
higher education, or
(iii)  5 years’ of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent
post in  CFTIs  / University System / Research Institutes / Central Government
Departments or equivalent experience in Government / PSUs / industry.
D. Desirable  – Experience in independently managing  computer based Finance &
Accounting / Establishment / Audit / Academic / Purchase & Stores / Sponsored
Research / Industrial Consultancy  in reputed CFTIs  /  Central  Universities / Research
Institutes / Central Government Departments. Competence and record of innovation in
computer based administration.

A. Pay Scale – PB-3, GP - ` 6,600, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 18,750
B. Qualification – B.E./B.Tech. (Civil) or equivalent with minimum 60% marks or equivalent
grade and consistently good academic record.
C. Experience – 8 years experience in pre-contract and post-contract management of large
building works consisting of commercial, residential, scientific laboratory and institutional
buildings and small or large large townships including services works.
D. Desirable – Degree and/or experience  in architecture, town planning, estimating, preparing
BOQ, and processing of Bills in addition to engineering work.

A. Pay Scale – PB-3, AGP - ` 6,000, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 15,600
B. Qualification –
1. A Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks from a reputed University in the area of
literature, music, fine arts or painting OR Master’s degree in any branch with a
recognized degree/diploma/certificate of at least one year duration in the area of
literature, music, fine arts or painting.
2. Record of high level prizes at University or state level competitions.
3. Record of leadership in organizing large programs and competitions in the area of
literature, music, fine arts or painting as student convener or teacher or any other role.

C. Experience – Not required.
D. Desirable – Experience in comparable post in a reputed University or institute.

A. Pay Scale – PB-3, GP - ` 5,400, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 15,600
B. Qualification  – A postgraduate degree in any branch from a reputed University  with at
least 55% marks or its equivalent grade and consistently good academic record.
C. Experience – Not required.
D. Desirable – Exposure to computer based Finance & Accounting / Establishment / Audit /
Academic / Purchase & Stores / Sponsored Research / Industrial Consultancy.
Experience of working in industry or business establishment. An MBA degree.

A. Pay Scale – PB-3, GP - ` 5,400, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 15,600 + NPA
B. Qualification – An MBBS degree from a reputed medical college with at least 60% marks
or its equivalent. Preference will be given to candidates having post graduate degree (MD
or DNB) in General Medicine. Registration with Medical Council of India (MCI).
C. Experience – Not required.
D. Desirable  – 3 years’ experience  as a General Duty doctor  in a reputed hospital in
Government/ PSU/ Private Sector.

7. SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (Software Development.)

A. Pay Scale – PB-3, GP - ` 5,400, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 15,600
B. Qualification – B.Tech. in Computer science or MCA or equivalent with First class (or 6.5
CGPA). Candidates with degree in any branch of engineering but strong experience will
also be considered.
E. Experience – Not required
F. Desirable  – Programming experience in SQL, My SQL, Java, VB. Leadership in
organizing teams of programmers.

8. ENGINEER (Electrical)
A. Pay Scale – PB-3, GP - ` 5,400, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 15,600
B. Qualification  – B.E./B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering)  or equivalent  with minimum 60%
marks or equivalent grade OR Diploma in Electrical Engineering with  minimum 60%
marks or equivalent grade and consistently good academic record.
C. Experience  – No experience required for B.E./B.Tech.  Candidates  (Age limit  – 32). 10
years experience in construction and maintenance of H.T. and L.T. lines, internal
electrification of large public buildings for Dip. Engg. Candidates (Age limit – 40).

D. Desirable  – Experience of handling major works in State/Central Public Works
Departments (PWD/CPWD), large public sector undertakings (PSUs), and reputed private
construction companies.

A. Pay Scale – PB-3, GP - ` 5,400, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 15,600
B. Qualification  – Post Graduate Degree in Hindi from any recognized university with at
least 55% marks or equivalent grade and English as a subject at Degree level.
C. Experience – Technical Terminological work in Hindi and 5 years experience in CFTIs /
University System / Research Institutes / Central Government Departments or equivalent
organizations in translation from English to Hindi and Hindi to English, where importance
shall be given on the works of technical and scientific literature.
D. Desirable – Knowledge of Sanskrit and other Indian Languages.

Preferred Areas/Branches  - Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Electronics, Computer Science,
Medical Electives, Chemical
A. Pay Scale – PB-2, GP - ` 4,200, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 9,300
B. Qualification  – First class Diploma in Engineering in  the  appropriate field with good
academic record.
C. Experience – Not required.
D. Desirable – Training/Apprenticeship in a reputed educational or R&D organization and/or
practical skill in electrical, electronics, mechanical trades.

A. Pay Scale – PB-2, GP - ` 4,200, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 9,300
B. Qualification – MA in Hindi OR BA (Hindi Hon’s) with English as a main subject from any
reputed University with at least 55% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade.
C. Experience – 2 years experience OR 1 year Diploma in translation from English to Hindi.
D. Desirable – Knowledge of Sanskrit or any other Indian Language.

12. TECHNICIAN (Multi Skill)
Recognized  Trades - Electrician, Electric technician, fitter, machinist, welder, refrigeration,
mechanic, carpenter, mason, or any other comparable trade.
A. Pay Scale – PB-1, GP - ` 2,000, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 6,460
B. Qualification – Diploma in Engineering (Or) Senior/Higher Secondary (10+2) in Science
(PCMB) and ITI Course of one year or higher duration in appropriate trade  (Or)

Matriculation/Secondary with at least 50% marks and ITI Certificate of two year duration
in any of the recognized trades.
A. Experience – Not required.
B. Desirable – Training/Apprenticeship in a reputed educational or R&D organization and/or
practical experience in more than one trade.

13. LABORATORY ASSISTANT (Physics, Life Science, Biotechnology)
A. Pay Scale – PB-1, GP - ` 2,000, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 6,460
B. Qualification – B.Sc. Degree of 3 years duration in appropriate field with first division.
C. Experience – Not required.
D. Desirable  – Training/Apprenticeship in a reputed educational or R&D organization.
Honours degree in appropriate branch.

A. Pay Scale – PB-1, GP - ` 2,000, Minimum Pay in the Pay Band - ` 6,460
B. Qualification –
(i) Graduate in any discipline, and
(ii) Diploma/Certificate in Hindi Typing @ 25 words per minute on computer.
E. Experience – Not required.
F. Desirable  – Hindi as a  compulsory/optional  subject or medium of instruction at
Graduation level.

1. All Qualification, Experience and Age Limit will be recognized as on 31st Aug, 2011.
2. Reservation for ST/SC/OBC/PH/Ex-Serviceman as per Central Govt. Rules.
3. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-Serviceman and women candidates is applicable as
per government norms.
4. As an institute of national importance, NITR strives to have a workforce which reflects an
all-India character and hence candidates from all over the country are encouraged to apply.
5. NITR strives to have a workforce which  also  reflects  gender balance and  hence  women
candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
6. Persons employed in Government / Semi Government Organizations / Autonomous Bodies
should submit their applications  through proper channel.  Alternatively, they may send an
advance copy of the application and may submit the NOC at the time of interview.
7. Degree as referred above should have been awarded by a reputed University / Institute.
8. Mere eligibility will not vest any right on any candidate for being called for interview.  The
Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview/selection test to
a reasonable limit, on the basis of qualification, experience, and relevant to its needs higher
than those prescribed in this advertisement.Advt. No. – 03/2011 (Non-Teaching) Page 6 of 6
9. The Institute reserves the right not to fill any or all the posts advertised and to reject any or
all the applications without assigning any reason.
10. The Institute reserves the right to relax experience  for persons with brilliant academic
career, with specialized skills in exceptional cases, or in the case of persons already
holding analogous positions in a Central Technical  Institute / Central  University / Central
R&D institution.
11. The Institute reserves its right to offer a lower post if the candidate is not found suitable for
the post applied for. Higher initial basic pay  and GP/AGP  may be given to exceptionally
qualified and deserving candidate(s) with relevant experience.
12. A panel of eligible candidates may be prepared as per recommendation of the Selection
Committee to fill any future vacancy that may arise within one year.
13. Prescribed application form may be downloaded from the Institute website  - . Candidates applying for more than one post may apply separately for
each post.
14. Completed application along with photocopies (attestation not required) of qualification and
experience certificates should be addressed to “The Registrar, National Institute of
Technlogy, Rourkela – 769008, Odisha“ so as to reach on or before 26th August 2011
15. Please mention “Name of the Post Applied” at the left-top corner of the envelope.
16. Incomplete applications or applications received after the last date are liable to be rejected.
17. Name of shortlisted candidates will be displayed in the institute website and individual
intimation will also be sent by post and/or e-mail. Institute will not  be responsible for any
postal/courier delay and loss-in transit. Interim inquiries will not be entertained.
18. Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of the candidature.
19. The decision of the Institute in all matters will be final. No correspondence /interim inquiries
will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection /
interview. Any dispute with regard to the selection / recruitment process will be subject to
Courts / Tribunals having jurisdiction over Rourkela.
20. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the selection process (Written Test and/or Interview).

Click here for PDF copy of the Advetisment; 
Recruitment of Non-Teaching Posts

 Application Form

please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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