Advt.No.13/EI(2)-PGI/2011 Last date:05-09-2011
Application on plain paper from the citizens of India are invited for one post of Sr. Administrative Officer on deputation basis having following qualifications/experience:
�Officers on the Central, State Govt., U.T. Administration or Central Statutory Bodies/Autonomous Bodies holding analogous posts on regular basis or atleast 5/8 years of regular service in the pay pre-revised scale of Rs. 8000-13500 corresponding pay band and grade pay with the revised scale respectively or equivalent and having experience in administration & establishment matters also preferably in accounts matter. Officer having M.B.A. or postgraduate diploma in personnel management shall be given preference.�
PCS/HCS Officers.
The application duly filled by the applicant may be sent to the Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh through the Head of the department/ Institution/Organization by 05.09.2011 alongwith their ACRs for the last five years and a certificate to the effect that no departmental/Disciplinary Proceedings are pending/being contemplated against the officer.
Incomplete applications and the applications received after due date will be summarily rejected.