please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें
Showing posts with label RECRUITMENT BY SELECTION TO THE FOLLOWING POSTS/AUAGUST2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RECRUITMENT BY SELECTION TO THE FOLLOWING POSTS/AUAGUST2011. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 August 2011


Applications in the prescribed forms are invited  for direct recruitment to the following posts by  1st 
September 2011 (8thSeptember 2011 in respect of applications received only  BY POST from the 
candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, 
Sikkim, J&K, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, A & N Islands or Lakshadweep or abroad).   




1.(Vacancy No.11081501513) One Joint Agricultural Marketing Adviser in the Directorate of
Marketing & Inspection (DMI), Department  of Agriculture & Co-operation, Ministry of
Agriculture. The post is Unreserved. Qualification:  Essential: A. EDUCATIONAL: Master`s
Degree in Agriculture or Botany or Agricultural Economics or Agricultural Marketing or
Economics or Commerce with Economics or Veterinary Science from a recognized University or
equivalent. OR Master`s Degree in Chemistry or Agricultural Chemistry or Diary Chemistry or
Dairying from a recognized University or equivalent  OR Bachelor`s Degree in Oil Technology
or Food Technology or Chemical Technology or Dairy Technology from a recognized University
or equivalent. B. EXPERIENCE: Ten years` experience in the field of Agricultural Marketing
including co-operative Marketing or Agricultural/ Poultry and Livestock Products  OR Ten years
Research experience in the field of Agricultural Economics or Economics preferably in
Agricultural Marketing as evidence by published papers.  NOTE: Ten years experience
prescribed above should include adequate administrative experience in a Govt./ SemiGovernment Department or recognized Research  Institute or Commercial concern of repute.
DUTIES: To assist Agricultural Marketing Adviser to the Government of India and to advise the
Central and State Governments on all matters relating to Agricultural Marketing and formulation
of new schemes/ programmes and strategies for marketing of agriculture and allied commodities
in the planning, designing and technology, etc.  To assist the Agricultural Marketing Adviser to  
the Government of India in implementation of all schemes/ programmes relating to Market
surveys and Research, Quality Control, Training and Administration etc.  To supervise, guide and
train the technical staff under him.  Any other duties assigned to him by the Agricultural
Marketing Adviser to the Government of India. HQ:  Faridabad, with liability to serve anywhere
in India.  

2. (Vacancy No.11081502213) One Fisheries Scientist in the Fishery Survey of India,
Mumbai, under the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of
Agriculture. The post is Unreserved. Qualification:  Essential: A. EDUCATIONAL: Master`s
Degree in Zoology or Marine Biology or Fisheries Science or Oceanography of a recognized
University or equivalent. OR Post Graduate diploma in the Fisheries Science of the Central
Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai or  equivalent.  B. EXPERIENCE: Three years`
experience in Marine Fisheries of which one year must be practical experience in Sea Fishing.
DUTIES: Participation in fishing cruises and responsible for cruise leadership and collection of
requisite data during survey cruises.  Preparation of cruise reports and other reports related to operation of the survey vessels.  Identification of fish and conducting the biological
investigations for qualitative and quantitative assessment of fish stock in time and space.
3.  (Vacancy No.11081503113) One Anaesthetist (Family Welfare) in the Family Welfare
Programme under Director General Armed Forces Medical Service (DGAFMS). Ministry of
Defence. Qualification: Essential A. EDUCATIONAL:   i)   A recognized Medical qualification
included in the First or the Second Schedule  or Part II of the Third  Schedule (Other than
licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.  Holders of Educational
Qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions
stipulated in Sub-section (3) of Section (13) of the IMC Act, 1956.  (ii) Completion of
Compulsory rotating internship. (iii) Post Graduate Medical Qualification in Anaesthesia.  (iv)
One year experience in Anaesthesia in case of Post Graduate Degree holders and three years in
case of Post Graduate Diploma Holder. DUTIES: To give anaesthesia to all cases undergoing
tuballigation operation or any operation in connection with the Family Welfare Programme.  Will
also have to do any other work assigned by the officer in charge of Post Partum Programme.

4. (Vacancy No.11081504213) Three Deputy Director in the Computer & Systems Division
in National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs. The posts are Unreserved.  The
posts are also suitable for Physically Challenged persons with disability viz. Orthopedically
Handicapped/ Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy with OL (One Leg Affected ).
Qualification :  Essential:  A)  i)  Master`s Degree in Computer Applications or Computer
Science or M.Tech (with specialization in Computer Applications) or B.E./ B.Tech in
Information Technology or Computer Engineering or Computer Science or Computer
Technology from a recognized University or Institute; and (ii) Twelve years` experience of
electronic data processing or computer oriented optimization information or Statistical System,
out of which at least seven years` experience should be in actual Computer Programming and
System Design or Design, Development or Organizing Computerized Information Storage and
retrieval System.   OR  B) (i) B.E./ B.Tech in Electronics or Electronics and Communication
Engineering from a recognized University or Institute; and (ii) Thirteen years` experience of
electronic data processing or computer oriented optimization information or Statistical System,
out of which at least eight years` experience should be in actual Computer Programming and
System Design or Design, Development or Organizing Computerized Information Storage and
retrieval System.  OR C) (i)  Bachelor`s Degree in Computer Applications or Computer Science
or Information Technology from a recognized University or Institute; and  (ii) Thirteen years`
experience of electronic data processing or computer oriented optimization information or
Statistical System, out of which  at least eight years` experience  should be in actual Computer
Programming and System Design or Design,  Development or Organizing Computerized
Information Storage and retrieval System.  DUTIES: Giving Leadership and innovative thrust for
all technical and field level activities, coordination of formulation, development and design of
Projects, guidance on preparation of Training  Modules, Planning and policy for sharing of
information with outside agencies,  Collection dissemination of crime, criminal and finger print
data, etc. HQ: New Delhi.

5. (Vacancy No.11081505113) Two Specialist  Grade II (Physical Medicine and 
Rehabilitation(PMR), in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.  The posts are Unreserved.
Qualification: Essential: A. EDUCATIONAL: i)   A recognized Medical qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule  or Part II of the Third Schedule (Other than licentiate
qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.  Holders of Educational Qualifications
included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in Sub-
section (3) of Section (13) of the IMC Act,  1956.  ii) M.D. in Physical Medicine and  
Rehabilitation/ Diploma in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation given by the National Board of
Examination/  Two years diploma course in  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation after
M.D.(Medicine)/ M.S.(Surgery)/ M.D.(Paediatrics)/ MS (Orthopaedics) or any other equivalent
qualification.  B. EXPERIENCE: Three years` experience in the concerned speciality after
obtaining Post-Graduate Degree or five years` experience in the specialty after obtaining the
Post-graduate Diploma.  NOTE I: The Medical qualifications possessed by the candidates should
have the recognition of the Medical Council of India. In case  of medical posts other than
Allopathic system of medicine, the qualifications should be included in the respective Schedule
of the Act governing that system of medicine. The proof thereof may be attached. NOTE II: In so
far as Post-Graduation Medical qualifications  awarded by Indian Universities are concerned,
they should also find a place in the Schedules to Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, as amended
from time to time. In case of medical posts other than allopathic system of medicine, the
qualification should be included in the respective Schedule of the Act governing that system of
medicine.  The proof thereof may be attached. NOTE III: The experience gained should be
recognized by the MCI or the statutory body concerned with the system of medicine as valid
teaching experience for teaching posts and certificate therefor or any other valid proof in support
thereof should be submitted.  Teaching experience in any other post like the post of General Duty
Medical Officer/ Medical Officer shall not be considered for eligibility purpose for recruitment
to the teaching posts. NOTE IV: Completion of compulsory  Rotating Internship Certificate,
Registration Certificate, an official document  showing name of College/Institution from where
degree/diploma has been done and official document showing name of the University and
College from where teaching experience has been gained to be furnished.    . NOTE V: In the
case of holder of D.M./M.Ch. qualification of five years duration, the period of Senior Post
Graduate residency rendered in  the last part of the said D.M/M.Ch. shall be counted towards
requirement of experience.  NOTE VI: Holders of speciality Board of USA qualifications should
complete the entire requirements of the Board concerned. NOTE  VII : In the case of
qualifications in Super-Specialities (M.Ch./D.M.) except in the case of holders of D.M./M.Ch. of
five years duration, the holders should have obtained M.D.(General Medicine) or M.S.(General
Surgery) or an equivalent qualification as prescribed by the said council in its recommendations
on post graduate medical examination. DESIRABLE : Two years experience in Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation after the Post-graduate degree/ diploma. DUTIES:  To conduct and
guide research work in the Specialty.  To render patient care in the speciality.  Any other duties
that may be assigned by the authorities from time to time.  HQ: AIIPMR, Mumbai & CGHS,
Delhi but liable to serve anywhere in India.   ANY OTHER CONDITIONS : The other
conditions of service will be as laid down in the CHS Rules, 1996 and other rules in force from
time to time in particular :-  (a) Private practice of any kind whatsoever shall not be allowed
including any consultation and laboratory practice.  (b)  The candidate selected, if so required,
shall be liable to serve in any Defence Service or post connected with the Defence of India, for a
period of not less than four years including the period spent in training, if any, provided that such
officer shall not  i)  be required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of 10 years from the date of
appointment or from the date of joining the service.  ii) ordinarily be required to serve as
aforesaid after attaining the age of 45 years.

6.(Vacancy No.11081506213) Five Senior Public Prosecutor in Central Bureau of Investigation.  Out of the five posts, two posts are reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates and remaining three posts are Unreserved.  The posts are also suitable for Physically Challenged
persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/ Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy
with OA (One Arm Affected) or OL (One Leg  Affected ). Qualification: Essential: A.
EDUCATIONAL: A Bachelor`s degree in Law of  a recognized University or equivalent. B.
EXPERIENCE: Eight years practice as an Advocate in conducting criminal cases. NOTE: In
view of the recommendation of the 6th CPC, the benefit of added years of Service under Rule 30
of CCS (Pension) Rules has been withdrawn  vide Deptt of Pension & PW O.M.No. 38/37/08-
P&PW(A) dated 02-09-2008.  DUTIES: The Senior Public Prosecutor will be responsible for the
entire work of “Prosecuting Section” and supervision of the work of Public Prosecutors and
Assistant Public Prosecutors working in the Branch.  Among other, the incumbent will conduct
prosecution of cases in courts,  attend to matters arising out of or pertaining to court cases/
references and to give legal advise in respect of the cases investigated by the Branch.  He will
also attend to other work as prescribed by the Department from time to time. HQ: Any of the
CBI Branches in India.

7.(Vacancy No.11081507113) One Senior Lecturer (Ophthalmology) in the Government Medical
College & Hospital, Chandigarh, Department of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Administration.  The post is reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates. Qualification: 
Essential: A. EDUCATIONAL: (i) A Basic University or equivalent qualification included in any
one of the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) and must be
registered in a State Medical  Register or Indian  Medical Register. (ii) M.S.(Ophthalmology)/
M.D.(Ophthalmology) from a recognized University/ Institution or equivalent. B.
EXPERIENCE: Three years` teaching experience in the concerned speciality after acquiring post
graduate qualification as Lecturer/ Registrar/ Senior Resident/ Demonstrator/ Tutor in a
recognized Medical College/ Teaching Institution.  NOTE I TO IV: Same as in Item No. 5 above.
DUTIES: The duties of Senior Lecturer (Ophthalmology) will be to teach the undergraduate
(MBBS) and Postgraduate students, training to interns, paramedical staff and research work. HQ:
Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh with liability to serve in any of the Rural/ Urban
Health Centers of the Chandigarh Administration. ANY OTHER CONDITIONS: (i) The
candidate so appointed shall have to join his duties within one month from the date of issue of
appointment letter. (ii) Private practice of any kind, including laboratory and consultant practice,
will be strictly prohibited. (iii) The candidate so appointed in the Institute shall not be allowed to
apply for the post for employment outside the Administration for a period of two years from the
date of joining of the post.

8.(Vacancy No.11081508513) One Lecturer (Physics) in Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Institute of
Technology, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair. The post is Unreserved.  The post
is also suitable for Physically Handicapped persons from any community  with disability viz.
Orthopedically Handicapped/ Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy with OL (One Leg
Affected). Qualification: Essential:  EDUCATIONAL:  First class Master`s Degree in Physics
from a recognized University or equivalent.  DESIRABLE: Three years` experience of teaching
and/ or research in relevant subject in recognized Polytechnics/ Technical Institute.  DUTIES:  
Teaching subjects of the Diploma Courses including Lecturers and tutorials.  Planning and implementation of instruction in laboratory.   Student assessment and evaluation.  Developing
resource material.  Assisting in extension services to the industry and community.  Assisting in
continuing education activities.  Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.  Student
Counselling.  Perform any other assignment/ duties by superiors.  HQ: Port Blair.

9.(Vacancy No.11081509513) Two Lecturer (Electrical) in Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Institute of
Technology, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair. Out of two posts, one post is
reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates  and remaining one post is Unreserved.  The
posts are also suitable for Physically Handicapped persons from any community with disability
viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/ Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy with OL (One Leg
Affected ). Qualification: Essential:  EDUCATIONAL:  First class Bachelor`s Degree in
Electrical Engineering/ Technology from a recognized University/ Institute or equivalent.
DESIRABLE, DUTIES & HQ Same as in Item No. 8 above.

10.(Vacancy No.11081510513) Four Lecturer (Computer Engineering) in Dr. B.R.Ambedkar
Institute of Technology, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair. Out of four posts, one
post is reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates and remaining three posts are
Unreserved.  The posts are also suitable for Physically Handicapped persons from any
community with disability viz. Orthopedically  Handicapped/ Locomotor disability or Cerebral
Palsy with OL (One Leg Affected ). Qualification: Essential:  EDUCATIONAL:  B.E. in Any
Engineering discipline or M.Sc. in Mathematics/ Physics/ Electronics/ Computer Science or
MCA AND First Class M.Tech or M.E. Degree in Computer Science/ Information Technology.
DUTIES & HQ Same as in Item No. 8 above.

11.(Vacancy No.11081511513) One Lecturer (Civil) in Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Institute of
Technology, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair. The post is Unreserved.  The post
is also suitable for Physically Handicapped persons from any community  with disability viz.
Orthopedically Handicapped/ Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy with OL (One Leg Affected
). Qualification: Essential:  EDUCATIONAL:  First class Bachelor`s Degree in Civil
Engineering/ Technology from a recognized University/ Institute or equivalent.  DESIRABLE, 
DUTIES & HQ Same as in Item No. 8 above.

12.(Vacancy No.11081512513) One Lecturer (Electronics) in Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Institute of
Technology, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair. The post is Unreserved.  The post
is also suitable for Physically Handicapped persons from any community  with disability viz.
Orthopedically Handicapped/ Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy with OL (One Leg Affected
). Qualification: Essential:  EDUCATIONAL:   First class Bachelor`s  Degree in Electronics/
Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering from
a recognized University or equivalent.  DESIRABLE: Three years` experience in relevant subject
in recognized Polytechnics/ Educational Institute. DUTIES & HQ Same as in Item No. 8 above.

13.(Vacancy No.11081513213) Nine Senior Mining Geologist in Indian Bureau of Mines, 
Ministry of Mines.  Out of nine posts, one post is reserved for Scheduled Castes Candidates, one
post is reserved for Scheduled Tribes Candidates, one post is reserved for Other Backward
Classes Candidates and remaining six posts are  Unreserved. Qualification: Essential: A.
EDUCATIONAL:  Master`s Degree in Geology  or Applied Geology from a recognized University or equivalent. B. EXPERIENCE: Five years` experience in different aspects of
prospecting for economic minerals and surveying. DESIRABLE: (i) Doctorate Degree in
Geology or Applied Geology from a recognized University or equivalent; (ii) Experience in
different aspects of prospecting for economic  minerals and surveying; and (iii) Working
knowledge of computers with special emphasis on commonly used Software in office. DUTIES:  
Conducting Integrated Geological Studies for appraisal of mineral deposits and also to undertake
MCDR inspection of miners in any part of the country and abroad.  Conducting techno-economic
feasibility studies and scrutiny of mining Plan/ mining Scheme and examination of stopping
proposals, and environmental studies. Periodic updation of national Mineral Inventory of
leasehold areas.  Guiding and supervising the work of such officers who are placed under him.
Carrying out such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Controller General or any other
officer authorized by him.


a) Candidates are requested to apply in the format published along with this Advertisement
No.15 and NOT write to the Commission for application forms.  They are also requested
to go through carefully the details of posts and instructions published below before
b) NATURE OF POST: All posts belong to General Central Service except otherwise
i)   Posts at Item Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (one post) 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 are permanent.  
ii)  Posts at Item No. 4 (two posts) & 7 are temporary. 
c) PAY SCALE & CLASSIFICATION: (Figures in bracket at the end of the pay scale
indicate the approx Total Emoluments (per month) (T.E.) excluding TA and HRA at the
minimum of the scale).
i) Rs.37400-67000/- (PB-4) + Rs.8900/-(Grade  pay) (T.E. Rs.69,611/-), General
Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial for the posts at Item No. 4.
ii) Rs.37400-67000/- (PB-4) + Rs.8700/-(Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.62,000/-), General
Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial for the posts at Item No. 1.
iii) Rs.15600-39100/- (PB-3) + Rs.6600/-(Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.33,522/-), General
Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial for the posts at Item Nos. 6 & 13.
iv) Rs.15600-39100/- (PB-3) + Rs.6600/-(Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.33,522/-) + N.P.A. as
admissible under rules, Central Health Service (Non-Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre),
Group ‘A’,  for the posts at Item No. 5. v) Rs.15600-39100/- (PB-3) + Rs.5400/-(Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.31,710/-), General
Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, for the posts at Item No. 2, 8, 9,
10, 11 & 12.
vi) Rs.15600-39100/- (PB-3) + Rs.5400/-(Grade  pay) + NPA as admissible under
rules (T.E. Rs.31,710/-), General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial
for the post at Item No. 3.
vii) Rs.14300-400-15900-450-18150 (Pre-Revised  Scale)  + plus NPA as
admissible(T.E. Rs.38,626/-),General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, NonMinisterial for the posts at Item No.7.
d) AGE LIMIT AS ON CLOSING DATE i.e. 01.09.2011:
i) Not exceeding 53 years for the post at Item No. 7
ii) Not exceeding 50 years for the post at Item No. 1, 4.
iii) Not exceeding 45 years for the posts at Item No. 5
iv) Not exceeding 40 years for the posts at Item Nos. 6 & 13.
v) Not exceeding 35 years for the posts at Item No. 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12.  
e) The age limits shown against Sl. No.7 is relaxed age limit for OBC candidates. The age
limit shown against  Item Nos.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 are normal age limit and the
age is relaxable for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates upto 5 years and  upto 3
years for OBC candidates in respect of vacancies reserved for them.  OBC Candidates have to
produce a caste certificate in prescribed proforma. For age concession applicable to other
categories of applicants please see relevant paras of the Instructions and Additional Information
to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection.  
f) Physically Handicapped (PH) Persons or Persons with disabilities,  as indicated against
various item(s) in the VACANCY DETAILS, can apply to the respective posts even if the post is
not reserved for them but has been identified as Suitable.  However, such candidates will be
considered for selection to such post by general standard of merit.  Persons suffering from not
less than 40% of relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation and other
relaxations as permissible under the rules. Thus, Physically Handicapped (PH) persons can avail
benefit of:-
i) reservation and other Concessions & Relaxations as permissible under the rules only
when degree of physical disability is 40% or more and the posts are reserved for PH
ii) other Concessions & Relaxations as permissible under the rules only when degree
of physical disability is 40% or more and the posts are suitable for PH candidates.  
g) HEADQUARTERS:  At places specifically stated against certain posts, otherwise
anywhere in India or abroad.
h) PROBATION: The persons selected will be appointed on probation as per rule.

please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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