Applications are invited on plain paper for the following assignment in a purely time bound
research project undertaken in this institute.
1. Name of the temporary assignment Junior Re s e a r ch Fellow ( JRF)
2. Name of the temporary research project: Diversity Or i ent ed Synthesis of Privileged
Heterocycles and Highly FUllctionalized Carbocycles by Mul t i component Reactions (MCRs)
3. Name of the sponsoring Agency: Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of l l ldi a
4. Consolidated Fellowship : 12000/-pm+ HRA (HRA will be provided i f institute
hostel is not available)
5. Qualifications & Experience M.Sc in Chemi s t ry or Chemi c a l Sciences with Valid
Interested eligible persons may apply on plain paper, giving full bio-data along with attested
copies of testimonials to the principal investigator of this project (Dr.Md. Lokman H.
Choudhury, E-mail: . Please send your application to the following
address mentioning advertisement number on the top of the envelope:
Dr. Md. Lokman H. Choudhury
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Patliputra Colony, Patna-800 0 l3, Bihar
Last date of application receiving at IIT Patna is 29.08.2011 (Monday)