M.D.T.C.Campus, Vijinapura, Near F.C.I.Godown
Doorvaninagar Post, K.R.Puram, BANGALORE – 560 016.
TELE - FAX : 080 –25665883 Tel : 080 – 25665884
Email : director_so_kvic_blr@yahoo.com, Website : www.kvic.org.in
Direct Recruitment for one post of Peon under Physically Handicap and one post of peon under OBC Category and one post of peon under General Category
Applications are invited from the Indian Citizens for appointment to the captioned posts. Educational Qualification 10th Std pass or ITI or equivalent to 10th Std Age Limit: For OBC - 30 years (including age of relaxation) For PH. - 32 years(including age of relaxation) For General - 27 years ( No age relaxation) No age limit for KVIC Employees. For further more details of i.e., application form for job profile, qualifications experience etc, visit our KVIC Website : www.kvic.org.in Application in the prescribed format and completed in all respect to be addressed to the Director, and may be sent by post to the above mentioned address before 15th September,2011. Incomplete applications without proper attested copies shall be rejected without assigning any reasons. Mere fulfillment of basic requirement do not vest with any right for calling for interview. The Khadi and Village Industries Commission reserve the right to accept and reject any/all the applications without assigning any reason. |
Paste here your recent photograph and sign accross |
1. Post applied for___________________________________
2. Full Name
As it appears on your Certificates (USE CAPITAL LETTERS)
(Leave one space blank two parts of your name)
3. Correspondence Address: (USE CAPITAL LETTERS)
Tel No. (with STD code_ ____________________________
E Mail ___________________________
4. (a) indicate category to which you belong by marking √ in appropriate box
OBC | Physically Handicapped | Ex. Service Men | Govt./KVIC Employee |
Caste:________________ State _____________________ ( Attested copy to be enclosed)
(b) Are you a PH Candidate? Yes No.
If yes, please mention Category of disability OH/HI/VI
Attested copy to be enclosed Yes No.
© Are you an Ex. Serviceman ? Yes No.
(d) Are you a Candidate who had ordinarily been
Domiciled in Kashmir Division of the State of
J&K during the period 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 Yes No.
5. (a) Date of Birth
(as per SSC certificate) Attested copies to be enclosed.
Date | Month | Year |
(b) Age as on ______________
Date | Month | Year |
6. Gender Male Female (mark √ appropriate)
7. Nationality ___________________________
8. Father’s/Husband’s Name __________________
9. In case of Ex. Serviceman/ Commissioned Officer/Police Officer/Other Equivalent, Specify
i) Date of Discharge __________
ii) Rank at present/last held __________ (a) Acting_____________ w.e.f. _________
(b) Substantive________ w.e.f. ________
10. Place of Birth: Place___________ District__________ State______________
11. Educational & professional qualification: Matriculation/SSC onwards( Atte
Name of the Institution/University | Subjects studied in details | Date, month & year of passing | % age of aggregate marks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12. Particulars of past experience including the present occupation/job ( as on date) ( Attested copy to be enclosed)
13. Language Known: ( Mark” √ “ in the appropriate box)
14. Registration No., if registered with Employment Exchange: ______________ Place15. Any other information._____________________________________________________________________ I ………………………………………………. Hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete & correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, I understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any stage or not satisfying the eligibility criteria according to the requirements of the relative advertisement, my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated. I am willing to serve anywhere in India. I agree that KVIC has the right to transfer me to any part of the country at its discretion. I hereby agree that any legal proceedings in respect of any matter(s) or claims or disputes arising out of this application and/or out of the said advertisement can be instituted by me only at Bangalore and Courts/Tribunals Forums at Bangalore only shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any cause/dispute. I undertake to avoid by all the terms and conditions in the advertisement given by KVIC. Place: Signature of the Candidate Date: FOR DETAILS CLICK; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||