Applications are invited on plain paper for the posts of Senior Reseqrch Fellow, Junior Research Fellow, and Project Attendant in the DBT-funded project entitled "Evalu{tion
of the potential of probiotics(Lactobacillus SPP.) for the prevention and treatment of intestinal and vaginal parasitic infections" underDr. Rakesh Sehgal, Professor, Department of Parasitology, PGIMER, phandigarh-160012.
1) Post: Senior Research Fellow (1 Post)
required: i) Essential: First class M.Sc. degree in Lifer Sciences or any related discipline from a
recognized University/Institute. Preference will be given to those who have cleared NET (CSIRTGQAfET
Experience required: 2 years experience after post graduation.
Pay Scale and Allowance: Rs 18,000 P.M. + 20% HRA
2) Post: Junior Research Fellow (1 Post)
required: i) Essential: First class M.Sc. degree in Life+ Sciences or any related discipline from a
recognized University/Institute. Preference will be given to those who have cleared NET (CSIRruGC)AfET
Pay Scale and Allowance: Rs 12,000 P.M. + 20% HRA
3) Post: Project Attendant (1 Post)
+ Essential: 10+2
Pry Scale and Allowance: Consolidated Rs 5000 P.M.
The above appointnents will be purely on temporary basis till the project is continued. Intercsted candidates
fulfilling the above conditions are required to submit their biodata and necessary testimonials/certificates by
28107/2011 in the office of Dr. Bikssh Medhi Additional Proflessor, Room No 4043' Department of Pharmacology, Research Block - B, PGIME& Chandigarh and t! appear for personal interview along with original certificates on 0l/082011 at 10.30 A.M. in the Department of Parasitology, Research Block A PGIME& Chandigarh.
The short-listed candidates will be intimated through e-mail to atlend the personal interview, No separate
interview letters will be sent. No TA/DA will be paid