please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Friday, 5 August 2011

Medical Education Kerala requires Senior Lecturers in various subjects/August 2011

Gazzette Date: 29-07-2011
Last Date: 31-08-2011
 Category No: 214/2011- 244/211
1. Department : Medical Education
2. Name of Post : (A) Senior Lecturer (in the following

1 Anatomy (Medical) MD(Anatomy)/M.S. (Anatomy)/DNB(Anatomy)
2 Biochemistry M.D.(Biochemistry)/DNB(Biochemistry)
3 Cardiology D.M.(Cardiology)/DNB(Cardiology) In the absence of above M.D.
General Medicine
4 Community Medicine M.D..(Community Medicine)/M.D.(Social and Preventive
Medicine)/DNB (Community Medicine)
5 Cardiovascular and
Thoracic Surgery
M.Ch(Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery)/DNB (Candiovascular
and Thoracic Surgery)/M.Ch.(Cardiac Surgery)/M.Ch(Thoracic
Surgery).  In the absence of above M.S,(General Surgery).
6 Dermatology and
M.D/DNB(Dermatology and Venerology)/MD/DNB(Dermatology
and venerology and Leprosy)/ M.D(Dermatology)/MD
(Dermatology including Venerology)/M.D/DNB(Dermatology
including Venerology and Leprosy).
7 Forensic Medicine M.D (Forensic Medicine)/DNB (Forensic Medicine)
8 General Medicine M.D.(General Medicine)/DNB (General Medicine)
.9 Genitro Urinary Surgery M.Ch(Urology)/M.Ch./DNB (Genitro Urinary Surgery)/M.Ch(Urology) (genitro Urinary Surgery) In the absence of above M.S. General
10 Microbiology M.D(Microbiology)/M.D.(Bacteriology)/DNB
11 Medical
DM(Medical Gastroenterology)/DM(Gastroenterology)/DNB
(Medical Gastroenterology). In the absence of above. M.D.(General
12. Neurology D.M.(Neurology)/DNB (Neurology) In the absence of above M.D.
General Medicine.
13. Nephrology D.M.(Nephrology)/DNB(Nephrology)
14. Neurosurgery M.Ch.(Neurosurgery)/DNB (Neurosurgery) In the absence of above
M.S,(General Surgery)
15. Ophthalmology M.S.(Ophthalmology)DNB (Ophthalmology)
16 Obstetrics and
M.S (Obstetrics  and  Gynaecology) M.D. (Obstetrics and
Gyneaecology)/DNB (Obstetrics  and Gynaecology).
17. Orthopaedics M..S.(Orthopaedics)/DNB (Orthopaedics)
18. Physiology M.D(Physiology)/DNB(Physiology)
19. Pharmacology M.D. (Pharmacology)/DNB (Pharmacology)
20. Paediatrics M.D.(Paediatrics)/DNB(Paediatrics)
21. Psychiatry M.D.(Psychiatry)/DNB (Psychiatry)
22. Paediatric Surgery M.Ch/DNB (Paediatric Surgery)/ In the absence of above M.S.
(General Surgery)
23. Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery
M.Ch (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)/M.Ch./DNB(Plastic
Surgery) In the absence of above M.S. General Surgery.
 24. Paediatric Neurology 1. M.D.(Paediatrics)
2. D.M.(Neurology)/DNB (Neurology)
25 Physical Medicine and
M.D.(Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)/DNB (Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation)
26. Radio diagnosis M.D.(Radio-Diagnosis)/DNB Radio - Diagnosis)
27. Radio Therapy M.D Radio - Therapy)/
DNB (Radio - Therapy)
28. Surgical
M.Ch/DNB/M.S. (Surgical Gastroenterology)/ In the absence of  the
above M.S. (General Surgery)
29. Tuberculosis and
Respiratory medicine
(Pulmonary Medicine)
M.D (T.B. and Respiratory Diseases)/M.D.(T.B. and Chest
Diseases)/DNB (Tuberculocis and Chest Diseases.
30. Transfusion Medicine M.D. (Immuno Haematology and Blood Transfusion)/M.D(Blood Bank) (Pathology)/M.D.(Transfusion Medicine)/ M.D.(Microbiology)

2. Permanent Registration under State Medical Council (Travancore Cochin - Medical Council)
Note:- 1. DNB qualifications must be acquired from a medical college which is recognized by any
of the University in Kerala.
            2. Separate online applications need be submitted for each category for those applicants who
desire to apply for more than one post. 
In the absence of candidates with the above qualification, candidates will be considered for
the post of Lecturers in the above mentioned subjects  in para 2 (Except Sl.No.1,7,10 and
19) in the scale of     ` 8000 - 13,500/- (Pre revision).  Seperate  Ranked List will be
published for Lecturers in all the subjects and candidates will be advised from the said list
in the absence of Senior Lecturers. 

2.(B)Lecturers:- (subjects mentioned in para 2 above Except Sl.No.1,07,10 & 19) Category No244./2011.Candidates who apply for the lecturer posts should note their priority branch options in the application. A Candidate thus advised for a higher option will not be considered for being advised for lower options.

(1) M.B.B.S. Degree from a recognized University.
(2) Permanent Registration under State Medical Council (Travancore - Cochin 
Medical Council).

(i) Provisional Registration with any medical council will not be accepted.
(ii) Candidates who have Secured Permanent Registration with other State/Central medical
council will have to get themselves registered under the Travancore--Cochin Medical
Practitioners Act before they join duty in the post.
(iii) Candidates who are appointed in the post should serve for 4 (four) years during the first 10
(ten) years of their service (including he period of training) any where in India or in any foreign
country under Defence Service or assignments connected with defence.  This compulsory service
is not applicable to those who have completed 45 (fourty five) years of age.

The list of selected candidates published by the commission in response to this notification
shall remain in force for a period of one year provided that the said list will continue to be in force
till the publication of a new list after the expiry of minimum period of one year or till the expiry of
three years whichever is earlier.  Lecturers will be considered from the common Ranked List ifqualified senior Lecturers were not available in the Ranked List.  Candidates will be advised
against the vacancies noted above and that may be reported to the commission during the currency
of the Ranked List

3. Method of Appointment:- Direct Recruitment.
4. Age  :- 21-45  ie. only candidates born between 2.1.1966 and 1.1.1990 (both dates
included) are eligible to apply for the post 
(For conditions regarding other age relaxations please see part II of General
5. Method of Sending Applications:-

 The applications with photo uploaded shall be submitted online only.  Detailed
instructions regarding the submission of applications are available at the Website of the Kerala Public
Service Commission viz.  No application fee is required.  The barcode number in the
application form shall be quoted in all further enquiries/correspondence.  In case a competitive Test is
conducted for this post the details would be published in the Public Service Commission Bulletin and
Website of the commission.  The Admission Ticket for the test may be downloaded From the Website by
using the Barcode Number.  Applicants employed under Kerala Government Service shall obtain a
receipt from the Head of Office as mentioned in para 20 of General Conditions under part II by
handovering the down loaded copy of the application submitted to the commission.  Original receipt and
documents to prove qualification, experience, age and community have to be produced as and when
called for.  E-mail address of applicants may also be shown in the application.  If candidates desire to
apply for more than one senior Lecture Post, they should submit separate online applications for each
post.  But for the common  Lecture posts the  candidate need to submit only one online application.
Applications which are submitted not in accordance with the instructions given in the website will be
summarily rejected. 
6. Last date of receipt of application: 31.8.2011 Wednesday upto 12.00 Midnight
7. Address to which applications are to be sent :
8. If a written test/OMR test is conducted as a part of the selection, Admission Tickets of eligible
candidates will be made available in the website of Kerala Public Service Commission.
Candidates are instructed to download their Admission Tickets as per the instructions given in the
9. At the time of Examination,Physical Efficiency Test,Practical Test,Interview etc,candidates shall
produce their Photo affixed ID proof in Original and self attested photocopy of (Voters Identity
Card,Driving License,Passport,Identity Cards issued by Social Welfare Department to Physically
Handicapped Candidates,Photo affixed Pass Books issued by Nationalized Banks,PAN
Card,Identity Cards issued to Government Employees by the concerned Departments) along with
Hall Tickets.
10. A common Objective Test (OMR) will be held for the post of Lecturer (Category No.244/2011)
on 24.11.2011(Thursday) from 8.00 AM to 9.15 AM.
(for details,please see  the general conditions)

214/2011 to 244/2011

Online only 

please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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