National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Division / Zonal Center: Delhi Zonal Laboratory
Ref. No. : DZL/PA-Recruit/2011/ Date: 21/09/2011
{ For engagement of Project Assistants under sponsored project(s) }
Applications are invited on plain paper in the prescribed form (Annexure-II) which is also
displayed on NEERI’s website for engagement as Project Assistant–II on behalf of the sponsor as per
the following details :-
Project Title Surveillance of Quality of
treated water and groundwater
in Delhi with respect to health
related parameters
Ambient Air Quality Management at All
India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi
Prescribed Educational
M.Sc. (Env. Science /
Chemistry / microbiology) or
equivalent with min. 55% marks
M.Sc. (Env. Science / management) or
equivalent with min. 55% marks
Experience Preferably in water sampling,
chemical analysis, microbiology
analysis and instrumental
Preferably in use/operation of air quality
monitoring equipment like respirable
dust samplers, high volume samplers,
fine particulate sampler etc.
Job Requirement Water sampling in the field and
analysis in laboratory & data
Ambient air quality monitoring in the
field at various monitoring stations and
analysis of particulate and gaseous
parameters as per standards
Age Limit ** 28 yrs. (as on closing date of the application)
Consolidated fixed
remuneration (p.m.)
Rs. 12000/- p.m.
No. of Positions One One
*Educational Qualification (minimum marks): 55% for General and 50% for SC/ST.
**Age relaxation : 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated who are
not remarried are allowed age concession up to the age of 35 years (40 years for members of SC/STs).
The engagement is purely on a temporary basis and contract basis under the externally
funded sponsored project undertaken by NEERI which may be extended or curtailed depending on the
status / duration of the sponsored project, satisfactory performance / conduct of the project assistants.
It is a placement under the sponsored project and will be co-terminus with the project duration under
any case. The engagement shall not be an appointment in CSIR/NEERI, temporary or otherwise. It
would, therefore, not confer any right/ claim, implicit or explicit on the candidates for regularization /
absorption against any post in NEERI/CSIR or any other scheme of CSIR.
Interested and eligible candidates may apply with bio-data in the prescribed format (annexed)
supported by attested copies of documentary proof of date of birth, educational qualifications, and
experience, etc. including two passport size colour photographs by post / courier / email to the
Scientist & Head, NEERI Zonal Laboratory, 1st
floor, CSIR-R&D Centre, A-93/94, Phase-I, Naraina
Industrial Area, New Delhi – 110028. Email: by October 11, 2011.
Applicants are required to appear for a personal interview alongwith their Original
Documents before the Selection Committee on October 12, 2011 at 10:30 AM at NEERI Zonal
Laboratory at the above address. No TA will be admissible for appearing for the interview. No separate
interview call letter will be issued. Candidates who do not fulfill the prescribed educational qualification
or who failed to produce the original documents for verification will not be interviewed.
Notification is also displayed on the Institute website wherefrom application
form can also be downloaded. No interim inquiries will be entertained in this regard.
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