Indust r ial Research &. Developnlent Uni t
Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110016
No. : I ITD/ IRD/RP02254/ C6 t~ Dt . : 30 /9/2011
Appointments shall be on year ly cont ractual basis ( l ikely to be renewed) on consol idated
pay slabs;
Sr . Project Assistant
Jr. Project At tendant
Consol idated
Pay Slabs
Rs. 16,000-20,000/
per month
Rs. 5,500-7,100/
per month
The candidates who are interested to apply for the above post should send thei r appl icat ions
wi th complete informat ion regarding educat ional qual i f icat ions indicat ing percentage of
marks/division, detai ls of work exper ience and a recent passpor t size photograph along wi th
an appl icat ion fee of Rs. 50/ - (non- refundable) in the form of a Bank Draf t drawn
preferably on State Bank of India in favor of Dean( IRD) , l IT Delhi addressed to the
Assistant Regist rar , IRD, Indian Inst i tute of Technology ( l IT) Delhi ,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016.
I IT Delhi reserves the r ight to f ix sui table cr i ter ia for shor t - l ist ing of el igible candidates sat isfying adver t ised qual i f icat ion and requi rement of the project post . Only shor t - l isted candidates wi l l accordingly be informed. The last date for receipt of duly completed appl icat ions wi l l be 15 days f rom the date of issue of this Adver t isement . The Adver t isement No. & post appl ied for must be ment ioned on the lef t side of the appl icat ion. 5% relaxat ion of marks may be granted to the SC/ST Candidates. LAST DATE 14.10.2011
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