I N S T I T U T E f o r E N E R G Y S T U D I E S
A N N A U N I V E R S I T Y , C H E N N A I - 2 5
IES / Rectt. / Project / 2011 2 4 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 1
Applications are invited from qualified persons for the following post
for the DST Research Project entitled “ Solar Power with Steam injection Gas
Turbine Cycle “ to work in the Institute for Energy Studies, Anna University,
Chennai - 25.
Post ;Junior
Qualification ;B.E. – Mechanical
with M.E. Thermal Engineering
Duration ;2 years
Salary in Rs.;18000 + HRA
@ 30%
The appointment is purely temporary.
Candidates must be willing to work without any time restriction, as and
when their services are required.
Candidates should submit a Bio-data affixed with Passport size
photograph along with Xerox copies of certificates, Experience
Certificates if any, and Name & Address of two referees with their Phone
Number ( e-mail, if possible ).
Interested candidates may submit their Resume to the following address on
or before 31.10.2011 ;
Superscripting on the Envelope : Post Applied for---------------------------------
The Director
Institute for Energy Studies
Anna University
Chennai – 600 025
for details click;http://www.annauniv.edu/pdf/jrfenergy.pdf