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Friday, 28 October 2011

SGSY / Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana] - self-employment schemes of DRDC

  SGSY [Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana] - self-employment schemes of DRDC
     Till date, total no. of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in Cooch Behar district stands at 1087. Out of these SHGs, revolving fund has been released to 277 groups from DRDC (District Rural Development Cell), though Rs.15000/- i.e. cash credit part from Banks are yet to be disbursed to most of the SHGs. Revolving fund will be given to another 65 SHGs by March 2002 as all of them have passed in the first grading. Rest of the SHGs are newly formed. Out of 1087 SHGs, only 24 group-loan cases could be sponsored to the banks.
Check out More about SGSY in detail
Also check the Bengali version of SGSY
     All SHGs in Cooch Behar district are engaged in various economic activities along with the active participation in social changes. Key activities are bamboo/ cane/ jute craft, "pati", rice products, "sola", and in animal husbandry - mainly dairy, piggery and poultry are popular. Besides these, vegetable selling, horticulture are also taken as economic activities in some pocket areas like Dinhata, Mekhliganj and Mathabhanga.

     Last year thrust was given to group formation. Up to 1999, only 174 DWCRA groups were formed. By 2002, that number stands at 1087 which makes the SGSY quite a success. Now DRDC endeavors to consolidate these SHGs through capacity building and awareness campaign for group members, panchayats and also bankers. In 200102002, scheme development training has been given to Swarojgaris and SHG memebers in trade like Pati, Dairy, Piggery and Poultry.

     In 2002-2003, DRDC cooch Behar envisages to extend its activities in more group formation, to provide for better bank linkage, providing with common facility centers at block levels and construction of a marketing outlet for the beneficiaries at the DRDC premises.
Status Report of SHGs
1.No. of Self Help Group formed
2.No. of Self Help Groups received Revolving Fund
3.Amount of Revolving Fund released
Rs. 31.710 lakhs
4.SHGs passed Grading - I
5.SHGs passed Grading - II
6.SHGs Loan cases sponsored for credit linked
7.Disbursed by banks

Latest position of Individual SGSY Loan cases
Year 2000-2001
1. No. of cases sponsored to Banks-439
2. No. of cases sanctioned-383
3. No. of cases disbursed by Bank-319
4. Amount of Subsidy released by Bank-Rs.24.02 lakh
Year 2001-2002
1. No. of cases sponsored to Banks-1254
2. No. of cases sanctioned-282
3. No. of subsidy cases involved-Rs.18.22 lakh
Check out More about SGSY in detail
Also check the Bengali version of SGSY
     Schemes of Sericulture - by Assistant Directorate of Sericulture
     Cooch Behar, the virgin district in Sericulture map of West Bengal, has been playing the pivotal role in sustained augmentation of both mulberry and non-mulberry culture in the state through the Assistant Directorate of Sericulture, Cooch Behar. In mulberry sector, raring of Bivoltine/Cross bred race is introduced successfully to harvest more valuable silk during 9th plan period. Simultaneously, extension of host plantation with high yielding mulberry variety has also taken place to a considerable level.

     In non-mulberry sector, the District has brought a golden hope for new millennium through successful implementation of UNDP/State Govt./Central Govt. assisted Muga Project. A sizable quantity of precious muga silk is being processed by the local readers/spinners of the district. Besides, 120 acres of newly transplanted muga host plantation are becoming ready for utilization, covering all the Sub-Divisions except Mekliganj.

Key Information on Sericulture at Cooch Behar (as on 31.03.2001)
Sl. no.
Parameter(s)Mulberry SectorNon-Mulberry Sector
1.Total quantity of actual acreage174 acres140 acres
2.Total no. of farmers300 nos.180 nos.
3.Average productivity level
(1100 qtls.)
26-28 Kgs. (Nistari)
32-34 Kgs. (Nis x Biv)
4500-4800 nos.
(Muga Cocoons)

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