As the name implies, Security Paper Mill Hoshangabad manufactures high quality Bank note and other security papers required by Security Presses. Like any other paper industry, SPM is also engaged in continuous process system. The constituents of process are Stock Preparation, Paper Making, Calendaring, Cutting and finally Finishing process. But unlike other ordinary / conventional paper mills, S.P.M. has a unique distinction of being the only one of its kind . It is the only paper mill in the country which produces high quality Bank Note and other Security Papers. Quality of the paper is the key factor of the organization which is accomplished in a very high security environment. It is the basic object of ours to keep a close monitoring and constant control on the critical parameters specified by the presses and to satisfy the customer’s need.
This mill is set up under expert collaboration from Messrs Portals Limited United Kingdom. M/s. Portals Limited, UK also provided the training to the staff and officers in paper making and allied processes. 55 officers were initially trained in 3 batches for a period of one year each.
Security Paper Mill is an Environment conscious organization who takes appropriate steps from time to time to protect the environment for sustainable growth of the industry. The Unit is having full fledged Effluent treatment Plants to treat the liquid discharge and successfully meets the norms laid by pollution control board. The unit has no air pollution constraints. Even there is no hazardous emission or discharge from the unit.
The pumping station at the south bank of the Narmada river pumps raw water through a rising main to the water treatment plant. This input water is treated for its suitability for paper making and domestic use.
A very nice greenery belt is since developed and maintained by the Unit in and around the mill. Plantation is a regular activity of the Management to increase the green coverage.
Well maintained roads and passages in Mill and colony ensures dust free environment to its employees and residents.
Above all the Awareness of the Employees towards Environment Management and protection of river water quality is praise worthy.