Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited, a premier Public Sector Undertaking the India's largest helicopter company, operates and maintains a fleet of 41 state-of-art helicopters of different make / capacity, such as Mi-172, Bell-206L4, Bell 407,Dauphin 365N/N3 and 350 B3 requires result oriented and dynamic professional as under :- Manager (Finance & Accounts) - 02 (SC-1, UR-1) Qualification Requirement & Experience Candidates should be CA's / ICWA's / full time MBA's from a recognised Institution with specialization in Finance. The candidate should have a minimum of seven years post qualification executive experience out of which two years should be in next below grade in a large and reputed organization. Grade & Scale of Pay (E-4) Rs. 32900 - 58000 (IDA Pattern) - revised w.e.f. 01/01/2007 on ad-hoc basis subject to approval by the Government of India. Upper Age Limit 45 years Manager (Personnel & Administration) - 1 (ST-1) Qualification Requirement & ExperienceCandidates should be in possession of full time MBA's or holding Degree / two years Diploma in Industrial Relations & Personnel Management from a recognised University / Institution. The candidate should have a minimum of seven years post qualification executive experience out of which two years should be in next below grade in a large and reputed organization. Grade & Scale of Pay (E-4) Rs. 32900 - 58000 (IDA Pattern) - revised w.e.f. 01/01/2007 on ad-hoc basis subject to approval by the Government of India. Upper Age Limit 45 years Manager (Materials) - 1 (SC-1) Qualification Requirement & ExperienceCandidates should be in possession of full time Engineering Degree / MBA / Post Graduate Degree / two years full time Diploma in Materials Management. from a recognised University / Institution. The candidate should have a minimum of seven years post qualification executive experience out of which two years should be in next below grade in a large and reputed organization. Grade & Scale of Pay (E-4) Rs. 32900 - 58000 (IDA Pattern) - revised w.e.f. 01/01/2007 on ad-hoc basis subject to approval by the Government of India. Upper Age Limit 45 years Asst. Manager (Finance & Accounts) - 1 (UR-1) Qualification Requirement & Experience Candidates should be CA's / ICWA's / full time MBA's from a recognised Institution with specialization in Finance. The candidate should have a minimum of three years post qualification executive experience out of which two years should be in next below grade in a large and reputed organization. Grade & Scale of Pay (E-2) Rs. 24900 - 50500 (IDA Pattern) - revised w.e.f. 01/01/2007 on ad-hoc basis subject to approval by the Government of India. Upper Age Limit 30 years Asst. Manager (Personnel & Administration) - 2 (ST-1, UR-1) Qualification Requirement & ExperienceCandidates should be in possession of full time MBA's or holding Degree / two years Diploma in Industrial Relations & Personnel Management from a recognised University / Institution. The candidate should have a minimum of three years post qualification executive experience out of which two years should be in next below grade in a large and reputed organization. Grade & Scale of Pay (E-2) Rs. 24900 - 50500 (IDA Pattern) - revised w.e.f. 01/01/2007 on ad-hoc basis subject to approval by the Government of India. Upper Age Limit 30 years Asst. Manager (Materials) - 1 (UR-1) Qualification Requirement & Experience Candidates should be in possession of full time Engineering Degree / MBA / Post Graduate Degree / two years full time Diploma in Materials Management. from a recognised University / Institution. The candidate should have a minimum of three years post qualification executive experience out of which two years should be in next below grade in a large and reputed organization. Grade & Scale of Pay (E-2) Rs. 24900 - 50500 (IDA Pattern) - revised w.e.f. 01/01/2007 on ad-hoc basis subject to approval by the Government of India. Upper Age Limit 30 years Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Qualification Requirement & ExperienceThe candidates must possess AME's Licence with endorsement on at least two categories on ALH DHRUV helicopters being operated by the Company. Grade & Scale of Pay (E-2) Rs. 24900 - 50500 (IDA Pattern) - revised w.e.f. 01/01/2007 on ad-hoc basis subject to approval by the Government of India. Upper Age Limit 35 years Engineer (Materials) - 2 (OBC-1, UR-1) Qualification Requirement & ExperienceCandidates should be in possession of full time Engineering Degree with MBA / Post Graduate Degree / two years full time Diploma in Materials Management. from a recognised University / Institution. The candidate should have a minimum of one year post qualification executive experience. Grade & Scale of Pay (E-1) Rs. 20600 - 46500 (IDA Pattern) - revised w.e.f. 01/01/2007 on ad-hoc basis subject to approval by the Government of India. Upper Age Limit 30 years Helicopter Pilots - on contract basis Qualificationi) CAPTAIN: ALTP (H) or CHPL + 2550 hrs on Helicopters including 1000 hrs as PIC having current endorsement on helicopters operated by the Company including ALH Dhruv, Chetak & Cheetah helicopters. ii) FIRST OFFICER-II/I: ALTP (H) or Commercial Helicopters Pilots Licence (CHPL) preferably having endorsement on Helicopters operated by the Company including ALH Dhruv, Chetak & Cheetah helicopters. Candidates having passed technical (Specific) tests on Helicopters operated by the Company can also be considered. For post of Helicopter Pilots - on contract basis, candidates having CHPL and flying experience on Dhruv Helicopters will be preferred. Selected candidates would be considered for contractual appointment depending upon their experience and current licence status. In case they are detailed in remote / different area, they may be considered to work on 6 weeks ON / 3 weeks OFF system at the discretion of the Management. General
Besides an attractive compensation package, the Company offers a professional work environment and provides excellent career enhancement opportunities. Eligible candidates may download Application Blank Form from our website and send it duly filled in accompanied with a Demand Draft (towards application fee) of Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred fifty only) drawn in favour of Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited payable at Delhi/Noida (SC & ST candidates are exempted from payment of application fee) along with a recent passport size photograph and copies of testimonials. Applications complete in all respect superscribing the envelope with the post applied for must reach within 15 days of the publication(publication date in employment news is 26the April) of this advertisement to: Dy. General Manager (P&HRD), Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited, Corporate Office, Pawan Hans Towers, C-14, Sector-1, NOIDA-201 301. |
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Wednesday, 6 April 2011
please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें
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