please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Thursday, 25 August 2011

CENTRAL GLASS & CERAMIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE ,KOLKATA/Walk-in-Interview forProject Assistants (Level-II) and Project Assistants( Level-I)/August 2011

   196, Raja S C Mullick Road,  Kolkata – 700 032 
  (Ph:2473 3469/3476/3477) / Website : 
Advertisement No.25/GC-(R & A)/SIMUGLASS/DST/2011                     Date: 24.08.2011 

A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 02.09.2011  at 11.00 A.M. at this Institute  to engage bonafide Indian
citizens for  the posts of  Project Assistants (Level-II)  and  Project Assistants( Level-I)  for working in a  DST sponsored India European Union Collaborative project  tenable at  this Institute.  The posts  are  purely temporary and will be co-terminus with the duration of the project.

PROJECT TITLE :  “ SIMUGLASS – Development of  a Synergistic Computational Tool for Material Modeling, Process Simulation and Optimization of Optical Glass Moulding”  

Post : Project Assistants( Level-II) – 2 Nos.  & Project Assistant  (Level -I) -1 No. 
Qualifications  for Project Assistant (PA)  :
Level – II : 1stClass M. Sc  in Mathematics / Physics / Materials Science
1st Class B. E/ B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering / Metallurgical Engineering/Chemical   Engineering/ Materials Science and Engineering/ Ceramics Engineering/ Production Engineering
Level – I : B. Sc (50% marks for General  and 45% marks for SC/ST candidates) ( Phys., Chem., Math.) Or 1st Class Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Electrical / Instrumentation .

• Project Assistants may get opportunity for Ph. D as per norms
• Possessing of minimum educational qualification and background will not guarantee selection for
a candidate and the decision of the committee will be final.

Job Description : Candidates are expected to have a sound academic record and a good aptitude  
                                  in developing / working with experimental techniques and  computational 
techniques, such as Finite Element Analysis packages for studying material deformation 
behaviour along with thermal characterization.  

Candidates with proficiency in high level programming languages, such as, C/C++,
Fortran, Graphics Programming (OpenGL) and Scripting Language (Python) along with
knowledge of OS and Systems Administration (LINUX/UNIX/WINDOWS/Networking)
will be preferred.

Stipend             :  For Project Assistants : 
For PA Level – II :    Rs. 12,000/-(consolidated) per month 
For PA Level – I :    Rs. 8,000/-(consolidated) per month 
Age   PA Level –II   :   Upper Limit is 28 years (as on 01.08.2011) which is relax able upto  
5 years  in  the case of candidates  belonging to  Scheduled Castes / 
Scheduled Tribes, women / physically  handicapped and  3 years for OBC  applicants.        
For PA Level – I           : Upper Limit is 25 years (as on 01.05.2011) which is relaxable upto  
5 years  in  the case of candidates  belonging to  Scheduled Castes / 
Scheduled Tribes, women / physically  handicapped and  3 years for OBC  applicants.        
Tenure:   Two years 
Interested candidates are requested to attend the interview as above and bring applications addressed to Director CGCRI, Kolkata giving complete biodata (including name, father’s name, date of birth, educational qualification, experience, permanent and present address with phone number, E-mail etc.) along with one self attested copy of each certificate. Each application must be accompanied  with letters from two reputed referees certifying the candidate and his/her work. The original certificates also should be brought for verification. Candidates should report at least one hour before the interview for verification.  Interim enquires in this respect will not be attended.

please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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