please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Saturday, 20 August 2011



The Health & Family Welfare Department proposes to make appointment to the following vacant posts of
(Teaching Faculty) Assistant Professors in MAMC and other Teaching Institutions/Hospitals under Health & Family welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi on purely contract basis on the terms and conditions mentioned herein below:-

Essential Educational Qualifications and Experience:
(I) A recognized medical qualification included in the First or Second Schedule
or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the
Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of Educational qualifications
included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions
stipulated in sub-section (3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act,
(II) Post-graduate Degree in the concerned speciality mentioned in Section-A
of Schedule VI or equivalent of the CHS Rule, 1996.
(III) At least three (3) years’ teaching experience in the concerned speciality as
lecturer/tutor/registrar/demonstrator/Sr. Resident after the requisite Postgraduate 
degree qualification. (Note:- Teaching experience in any other
post like the post of General Duty Medical Officer/ Medical Officer shall not
be considered for eligibility purpose for recruitment to teaching posts.
(IV) In case of Super Specialty disciplines of Plastic Surgery (Burn & Plastic),
Neuro-Surgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Endocrinology, and
Gastroenterology in addition to requirement at (i) & (ii) above, at least 5
years experience as Senior Resident/tutor/Demonstrator/Registrar/Lecturer
in the concerned speciality in a recognized Teaching Institution after the
first Post-graduate qualification. (Note:- In the case of holders of D.M./M.Ch.
Qualification of five years’ duration, the period of senior PG residency
rendered in the last Part of the said D.M./M.Ch. shall be counted towards
requirement of five years’ experience). The candidate must fulfill the
requisite qualification and experience before the closing date of the receipt
of applications.

Mode of Selection
1. The Selection will be on the basis of Interview.  This Interview shall be organized by
the Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.
2. Suitable and willing candidates may apply to the office of Dean, MAMC, B.S. Zafar
Marg, New Delhi-110002 on or before 09.09.2011 till 4.00 p.m. Applicants who wish
to submit their applications in person should submit the same in the office of Deputy
Director (Administration) Establishment-II, Room No. 10, MAMC, B.S. Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002.
3. Fee Payable: Rs. 1000/-(Rupees One thousand only) for all posts except for the post
at S.No. 19 (Clinical Psychology) for which Rs. 500/-(Rupees Five hundred only) are
payable in the form of Crossed Demand Draft in favour of ‘Dean’ Maulana Azad
Medical College’ payable at New Delhi (Non-refundable). No fee shall be payable by
those belonging to SC/ST categories.
4. The applications shall be submitted in prescribed proforma as given hereunder
alongwith two passport size photographs, alongwith attested copies of requisite
documents relating to Age/Educational qualifications/Experience certificate/Caste
certificate (wherever applicable) etc. The envelope containing the applications
should be clearly superscribed with the name and discipline of the post
applied for.
5. A list of candidates eligible for interview will be displayed on the notice board of the
address In case, the applicant wishes to be intimated by an
individual interview letter, he should attach with his application, a self addressed (in
capital letters) stamped envelope measuring 12x24 cm. No responsibility shall
devolve upon this department on account of non-receipt of interview letter in time, on
account of postal delay etc. LAST DATE for receipt of application: 9.9.2011.
6. The Competent Authority reserves the right to make any amendment, cancellation
and changes in this advertisement in whole or in part without assigning any reason.
(Manoj Kumar)
Dy. Secretary (H&FW)
MAMC on 26.9.2011. The same can be viewed on the website of the college at the
address In case, the applicant wishes to be intimated by an
individual interview letter, he should attach with his application, a self addressed (in
capital letters) stamped envelope measuring 12x24 cm. No responsibility shall
devolve upon this department on account of non-receipt of interview letter in time, on
account of postal delay etc. LAST DATE for receipt of application: 9.9.2011.
6. The Competent Authority reserves the right to make any amendment, cancellation
and changes in this advertisement in whole or in part without assigning any reason.


please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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