In reference to the advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under anISRO-RESPOND scheme entitled ‘ A theoretical and spectroscopic study of the mechanism of
formation of prebiotic molecules and amino acids in the interstellar medium” , that appeared on
Lucknow University website on July 16, 2011, it is notified that the last date for the submission
of application form on plain paper is being extended up to Aug.5, 2011 .
The position of JRF carries a fellowship of Rs.16,000/- per month + HRA as per university rules.
Candidates should have an M.Sc. degree in Chemistry /Physics with consistently good academic
record. Preference shall be given to candidates having research experience in the areas of
Molecular Spectroscopy/ Quantum Chemistry.
Interested candidates may submit their applications to the undersigned before the due date and
may also contact him for further details on Mob. 09451387136.
Professor V.P.Gupta
Principal Investigator
ISRO-RESPOND Research Project
Department of Physics
University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226007