Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) was introduced from 1-APR-1999. Since its inception DRDC (District rural Development Cell) is now giving more emphasis on Self Help Groups (SHGs) which has been found to be more feasible and acceptable in the rural areas of West Bengal because of its stress in community participation for removing poverty alleviation and social injustices. It is iterated that the Block and Panchayats should give more attention towards the formation of self-help groups and strengthening of the existing groups, i.e., DWCRA groups. It has been experienced that the groups are more susceptible to the elements of finance management then the individual. Further, seeing the huge number of families under operational list (BPL), the individual approach seems untenable vis-à-vis group approach. |
The success of SGSY is mainly dependant on the coordinated efforts of all the external agencies acting as facilitators whether Government, Panchayats, Banks. In order to achieve better coordination among them and to stress on the joint approach, important government circulars relevant to SGSY have also been appended in this booklet. We hope that this will benefit all the facilitators in the planned implementation of SGSY.
DETAILS ;http://coochbehar.nic.in/htmfiles/SGSY.html