The KVS intends to make recruitment for the posts of Assistant Commissioner and Education Officer for its Offices spread all over India. Applications are invited in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) from the Indian Nationals for filling up the vacancies in the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan for the year – 2011-12.
Candidates are required to download Application Form from this website. No other application format will be accepted. The last date for receipt of application is 17.10.2011.
Sl.No. | Post and Post Code | GEN | SC | ST | OBC | Total | OH | VH | HH | Pay Band & Grade Pay | Upper Age Limit (As on 17.10.2011) |
01. | Assistant Commissioner (Post Code-71) | 03 | 01 | -- | 01 | 05 | -- | * 01 | -- | ![]() ![]() | 50 Years. |
02. | Education Officer (Post Code-72) | 03 | 01 | -- | 01 | 05 | -- | 01 | -- | ![]() ![]() | 50 Years. |
* “If a candidate of visually handicapped category is not available the vacancy goes to next category, i.e., HH/OH in the same sequence.”
1. At least a second class Master’s Degree
2. B.Ed or equivalent degree
3. 05 years regular service as Education Officer
08 years experience as Education Officer and Principal together with minimum 01 year’s experience as Education Officer. (Both Principal as well as EO are in the same pay scale of
15,600-39,100 +GP

1. Working knowledge of Hindi & English.
2. Experience in directing in-service training programmes for teachers and administrators and/or research in education.
a. Academic
i) Master‘s Degree from a recognized university with atleast 45% marks.
ii) B.Ed. or equivalent degree
b. Experience
i. Persons holding analogous posts or posts of Principals with at least one year experience in the grade of
10000-15200 (Pre revised); Or

ii. Vice Principal/Assistant Education Officers in the pay scale of
7,500-12,000 (pre–revised) with atleast 04 years’ service as such.

c). Desirable
Knowledge of computer applications.
The reservation/age relaxation of vacancies for Ex-servicemen and Physically Challenged candidates will be as per rules of the Government of India. A person who has served in any rank (whether as combatant or as non-combatant) in the Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) will only be eligible for age relaxations /reservation of Ex-servicemen and not their dependents.
Relaxation in upper age limit will be as under:
(a). No age bar in the case of employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.
(b). Up-to a maximum of 5 years in the case of SC/ ST candidates.
(c). Up-to a maximum of 3 years in the case of OBC candidates.
(d). Up-to 5 years for persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu and Kashmir during 01.01.80 to 31.12.89.
(e). Up-to a maximum of 5 years for Government Servants.
(f). An ex-Servicemen who has put in not less than 06 months continuous service in the Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than 3 years he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.
(g). Up-to a maximum of 10 years in the case of SC/ST and 08 years in the case of OBC candidates serving as Govt. employees in accordance with the Govt. of India instructions. An applicant claiming age relaxation under this para should produce a certificate from his/her employer to the effect that he/ she is a Govt. servant as on the date of advertisement.
(h). Up-to a maximum of 10 years in the case of Physically Challenged candidates.
Note : Except Physically Challenged candidates, all the concessions mentioned above will be concurrent, that is, if a person is eligible for more than one concession, only one of the concessions of the highest permissible limit, will be granted. For Physically Challenged, if a person belongs to SC/ST, he/she will be allowed 15 years, i.e., 10 years for Physically Challenged and 5 years for SC/ST.
3. Examination Fee and mode of payment
a) For applying to the aforesaid posts, candidates are advised to remit
1,200/- through electronic transfer into Account with the Indian Bank, Mehrauli Institutional Area, New Delhi–110016 (Branch Code: 943).

For remittance of fee through electronic mode, candidates have to visit the nearest branch of the Indian Bank, along with prescribed Challan. The copy of the Challan can be downloaded from KVS’s Website. The candidates have to fill in the Challan and deposit the same in the Bank along with requisite fee in any branch of Indian Bank. The account number is 935020934. The challan is in two parts. One part of Challan duly signed and stamped along with Deposit Journal Number should be collected from the bank for filling up necessary details in the application form. The Challan received from the Bank should also be attached with the Application Form, in original.
In addition to fee, the Indian Bank will charge
30/- as “Service charge” for transferring the fee through electronic mode i.e. the candidates should remit FEE+
30/- (

b) The fee can also be transferred from any Bank other than the Indian Bank. If fee is transferred through any other Bank other than the Indian Bank, the following particulars are to be provided to the remitting Banker:
§ Bank : Indian Bank
§ Branch : Mehrauli Institutional Area, New Delhi.
§ IFSC Code : IDIB000M089
§ Beneficiary Name : Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
§ Account No. : 405046333.
c) The candidate must ensure that the Challan/Counter Foil/Cash Receipt Voucher/Pay-in slip of the Bank consists of the following details:
§ Remitting Bank Name
§ Remitting Branch Name
§ Amount
§ Candidate Name
§ UTR No. and Date
d) However, such candidates will have to collect proforma of Challan/Counter Foil/Cash Receipt Voucher/Pay-in Slip from the respective Bank, since every bank has a different proforma. The proforma provided by the Bank should be filled in properly and deposited along with fees. The copy of Challan/Counter foil/Cash Receipt Voucher/Pay-in Slip duly signed and stamped along with Deposit Journal No./ UTR No. should be collected from the Bank for filling up necessary details in the application form. The Challan/Counter foil/Cash Receipt Voucher/Pay-in Slip received from the Bank should be attached with the Application Form in original and sent along with other requisite copy of documents/testimonials.
e) Candidates are advised to keep photocopy of the above details viz. Challan/Counter foil/Cash Receipt Voucher/ Pay-in Slip with them for reference.
f) No fee is required to be paid by SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/PH Candidates.
g) Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
IMPORTANT: The Sangathan will accept fee through Electronic Transfer only. The fee sent through Demand Draft/IPO/Money Order/ Crossed Cheque/ Currency note or the Treasury Challans, etc. will not be accepted and all such applications will be treated as having been received without fee and the fees paid through these modes shall not be refunded, under any circumstances .
There will be written examination followed by interview of the eligible candidates. However, if the number of candidates is less, the Sangathan will select suitable persons based on interview after short listing of candidates as per the criteria decided by the KVS.
a) The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions as per the advertisement. Their admission at all the stages will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility condition(s).
b) Candidates are required to download the Application Form and the Fee Payment Challan from KVS’s website and fill in the details legibly. No other Application Format will be accepted.
c) The details from the counterfoil of the Fee Payment Challan duly receipted from the Bank after depositing the required application fee with the bank may be filled in the application form carefully.
d) After filling the Application Form, applicants are required to send the following documents:
i. Filled Application Form.
ii. Applicants are required to paste 2 recent passport size photograph (size 35 x 45 mm) out of which one duly attested by a Gazetted Officer and one without attestation should be affixed in the box provided in the application form and put signatures on all the pages as well as at the appropriate places on the application form.
iii. Original counterfoil of the fee Payment Challan, if applicable.
iv. Photocopies of all the educational qualifications, academic and professional, mark-sheets for all the years, degree/ diploma certificates starting from Senior Secondary/ Intermediate to highest academic/ professional qualification. Class X certificate for proof of date of birth, Caste/ Category, sub-category certificates issued by the competent authority, Form of Undertaking to be furnished by Armed Forces personnel applying for Civil Posts under Ex-Servicemen category, experience certificates etc. duly tagged with application together.
e) All the said document must be sent by REGISTERED/SPEED post latest by 17.10.2011 to the Deputy Commissioner (Admn.), Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, 18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110016. KVS will not be responsible for applications sent by hand or otherwise. Candidates are advised to send the application well in advance to avoid any postal delay, in such a manner that the same reaches before the stipulated date for receipt of application. The envelop containing the application must be super scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ________________ IN THE KVS FOR THE YEAR 2011-12.”
f) Candidates serving in Govt/Quasi Govt. offices, Public Sector Undertakings are advised to submit their filled application form and original cash deposit receipt in advance and submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer at the time of interview, failing which their candidature may not be considered.
g) The Sangathan will make preliminary scrutiny of all the applications to determine eligibility of candidate before the Written Test/Interview. However, in case even at the time of preliminary scrutiny, a candidate is allowed to appear in the written test/interview and such candidate does not fulfill any of the laid down selection criteria, his/her candidature will automatically be treated as cancelled even after giving letter of appointment. Therefore, before submitting the application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility criteria as laid down in this advertisement. His/ her candidature will be purely provisional subject to eligibility being verified again after the interview.
h) The decision of the Sangathan about the mode of selection to the post and eligibility conditions of the applicant shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
a) Mere issue of Interview Letter/Admit Card to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the KVS.
b) The candidates are advised to take due care to fill up their application form correctly. No column of the Application should be left blank. Incomplete or defective application shall be summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances.
c) The vacancies advertised may vary. They may decrease or increase.
d) The OBC candidate must produce a certificate in the prescribed pro-forma, as is issued for employment in Central Govt. offices and they should not be from creamy layer.
e) Candidates serving in any recognized institution/ organization/ autonomous body of Central Government/State Govt. must apply under intimation to his/ her employer or THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL. They will also be required to provide a ‘No Objection Certificate’, if called for Interview.
f). Important information relating to the recruitment for the above mentioned posts will be available at this website. Applicants must remain in touch with KVS through its website for the important information which KVS will display on its website from time to time.
g). Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
h). The eligible candidates will be called for written test/interview.
i). Selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere in India based on the vacancies available in specific region.
j). For all practical purposes or in case of any discrepancy in the context of text of the advertisement in Hindi language, the English version of the advertisement will prevail.
k). The jurisdiction for all legal matters for this recruitment will be New Delhi and legal cases filed (if any) in other courts will not be maintainable.