please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

I I T, Gandhinagar /Jobs for Faculty /Oct.,2011

Faculty Recruitment

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites applications for faculty position at an Assistant, Associate, and Professor level in various fields of Engineering, Humanities & Social Science, and Sciences at the Institute. The candidates must have an excellent academic and a research record, and must be enthusiastic about teaching (UG and PG courses), and development of an independent research program at the Institute. Many questions about the recruitment process, life at IITGN and Ahmedabad, support from the Institute are answered in the FAQs at the following link ( More information about specific departments (Sciences, Engineering, and HSS) can be found by going to the Department links below.

Current Vacancies:

 Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in

SciencesBiology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics
EngineeringBiosciences & Bioengineering, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Mechanical, and Material Science & Metallurgy
Humanities & Social SciencesDevelopment Studies, Economics & Finance, English, History, Journalism, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology
 Send Filled-in forms to:Professor In-Charge, Faculty Affairs
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
VGEC Complex,
Chandkheda, Visat-Gandhinagar Highway,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
India - 382424
 Also send a PDF file of the completed application form to faculty.recruitment [at]
 Last Date Of Submission:This is a rolling advertisement and the applications are invited throughout the year.
 Advertisement ( PDF  | MSWord  )
 Application Form ( PDF  | MSWord  )
Please direct all queries relating to the advertisement content to:
Email: faculty.recruitment [at]
Phone: +91 9328474220 / +91 79 23972574
Fax: +91 79 2397 2586
please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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