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Sunday, 27 November 2011

Board of Practical Training (Eastern Region)/ Apprenticeship Training Scheme for Engineering Graduates and Diploma Holders in Engineering /2011

 Board of Practical Training (Eastern Region)
Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India

Block –EA, Sector –I, Salt Lake City, (Opp. To Labony Estate),
Kolkata - 700064.
Phone : +91-33-2337 0750 / 2337 0751
Fax : +91-33-2321 6814
E-mail :,

   In pursuance of the recommendations of the Scientific Manpower Committee, the Apprenticeship Training Scheme for Engineering Graduates and Diploma Holders in Engineering was introduced during post- independence era by the then Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, under a scheme which was known as Practical Training Stipendiary Scheme (PTS Scheme). In this scheme, a limited number of Graduates and Diploma holders in engineering/technology were placed in the industries for practical training on a monthly stipend. The PTS Scheme was purely on voluntary basis and the stipends paid to the apprentices were fully borne by the Govt. of India and the Scheme was administered directly by the Ministry of Education. During the year 1973 the Apprentices Act was amended to bring the training of the Graduates and Diploma holders in Engineering/Technology within its purview.
In 1986, the Apprentices Act was further amended (Apprentices Act, 1961 {Amendments}) to bring Higher Secondary (10+2) Vocational certificate holders under the purview of the scheme. The new category of apprentices is known as technician (Vocational) apprentices. In addition to Graduate and Technician apprenticeship Training Scheme, the implementation of technician (Vocational) Apprenticeship Training Scheme as also entrusted to Regional Boards of Apprenticeship/Practical Training under Department of Secondary & Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, and 94 subject fields have been notified under this scheme.
Provision of the Act
The importance of industrialization was emphasized by Govt. of India in order to provide job opportunities for the vast majority of the people and to achieve economic growth. The various skills needed for the industries were identified. In order to meet the requirements of the industries the Govt. of India decided to utilize the facilities available in the industries for training technicians and thus the apprenticeship training was envisaged and the Apprentices Act 1961 was enacted in the Parliament during December, 1961 to provide practical training to pass outs of Industrial Training Institute to enhance their technical competency. Central Apprenticeship Council was created to advise the government to formulate policies and procedures.
Candidates’ eligibility
Following are the eligibilities for students to be recruited for apprenticeship training:
• Candidates should have passed degree in Engineering/Technology or Diploma in Engineering/Technology from the institutes approved by AICTE/ Directorate of Technical Education of concerned States and 10+2 Vocational passed out students from Higher Secondary Schools/ Jr. Colleges and Intermediate education.
• Candidates should not have undergone apprenticeship training elsewhere.
• Candidates should not have work experience of one year or more.
• Candidates should not have completed three years after passing of the qualifying examinations.
Recruitment procedure

The seats allotted by this Board, are required to be filled through any source: either by contacting technical and vocational institutions of near by area or releasing advertisement in News Paper or by approaching this Board for list of candidates or participating in the centralized selections organized by this Board.
Sandwich Course

Some technical institutions are conducting sandwich courses for degree and diploma engineering students. All establishments are required to recruit students of these sandwich courses for 2-3 semesters for a total duration of 48 to 52 weeks in 2-3 spells when requested by these institutions or directed by this Board. Contracts of these apprentices are also to be submitted to this Board for registration as mentioned in Para 6 (a) above. Before accepting the contract papers from the company, a college bonafide certificate must be obtained and submitted along with registration card.
Period of Training

One year.
Monthly stipend

The existing monthly stipend rates as recommended by the Central Apprenticeship Council and notified by the Govt., of India vide Notification No. GSR 375E effective from 23rd March, 2011, are as follows: 

Sl. No.
Candidates minimum educational qualification Required for being engaged as an apprentice Category
Monthly stipend(Rs.)
Engineering Graduate Apprentice
Sandwich Course Student of Engineering College Graduate Apprentice (Sandwich)
Diploma Holder in Engineering Technician Apprentice
Sandwich Course Student of Polytechnic College Technician Apprentice (Sandwich)
(10+2) Vocational Certificate Holder
Technician (Vocational) Apprentice

The significance of the Apprenticeship Training Scheme is that the Govt. of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Secondary & Higher Education reimburses 50% of stipendiary amount to the training establishments through the respective regional Boards. However the training establishments are at liberty to pay stipend at higher rates than the minimum prescribed amount.
Survey and Notification
The Regional Central Apprenticeship Adviser of the Board of Practical Training (BOPT) locates the industries for notification in the eastern region to be covered under the Apprentices (Amendment) Act, 1973 & 1986. After notification the industry will be informed by a notice and accordingly the industry will provide information for assessment of establishments (Form7) .The factors to be considered in exercise of powers conferred under Sub-Section 3(A) of Section 8 of the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 as amended in 1973 & 1986 are given below:

• The number of technical persons deployed in an industry / organization
• The training facilities available in an industry/ organization.


I. Passed-out Candidates as indicated below
 Graduates in Engineering/ Technologies
 Diploma in Engineering/Technologies
 Higher Secondary Vocational /JOC/Intermediate Education

II. Technical Institutions:
List of States

III. Industry/Establishments:
 Central Govt. Establishments
• State Govt. Establishments
• Private Establishments
• Public Sector Undertakings

 Manufacturing Industries
• Automobile Industries
• Food Processing Industries
• Milk Production Industries
• Multinational companies
• Software Industries
• Pharmaceutical Industries
• Communication Industries
• Service Industries
• Hotel Industries
• Hospitals
• Household appliances Industries etc.


Selection of Apprentices :

As per provisions of the Act, it is the responsibility of the Employers to make the selection of apprentices as per notification from the candidates who fulfill the minimum standard of educational qualification and medical fitness for undergoing the apprenticeship training under the Act. However , if desired by the employers, the 
BOPT, Kolkata may assist them regarding selection of apprentices.
A person shall not be qualified for being engaged as an apprentice to undergo apprenticeship training in any designated trade, unless he….
a. is not less than fourteen years of age; and
b. satisfies such standards of education and physical fitness as may be prescribed.

Training Assessment :

• The apprentice shall maintain a record of the work during the period of his apprenticeship training in a proforma approved by the Regional Central Apprenticeship Advise.
• Every employer shall maintain a record of the work done and the studies undertaken by the Graduate, Technician and Technician (Vocational) apprentices engaged in his establishment for each quarter at the end of each quarter shall send a report in App-6 to the Director, 
BOPT, Kolkata concerned.
• The progress in apprenticeship training of every graduate Technician apprentice shall be assessed by the employer from time to time.


Application Form for Enrolment (Graduate/Diploma holders/Tech. Vocational) 

Apprenticeship Card Registration ( download ) :

The contract registration cards duly filled in and signed by the employer (with office seal), apprentice (or his guardian in case of minor) and surety, should be submitted by the employer to the concerned BOPT, Kolkata for registration within three months from the date on which it was signed.

However, for the best interest of the employer it is desirable that the employer should submit the contract cards immediately after the date of commencement of training (say within 10 days) so that registration of contract of apprenticeship may be made at an early date.

Before registration of contracts, the 
BOPT, Kolkata shall verify the particulars given by the apprentice and employer. After registration, a registration number is allotted against each apprentice and two copies of contracts bearing the registration number and date of registration will be sent back to the employer. The registration number will be quoted by the employer in all future correspondence in respect of the particular apprentice and positively need to be mentioned on the claim for reimbursement of Govt. share of stipend. However, the Regional Central Apprenticeship Adviser shall not register a contract of apprenticeship unless he is satisfied that the persons described as an apprentice in the contract is qualified under this Act for being engaged as an apprentice to undergo apprenticeship training in the designated trade specified in the contract. The apprentice will provide a declaration vide form No 8 that he/she has not undergone any training/service.

Amendment of Contract/Novation of Contract :

Form for Amendment of Contract 

Engagement of Apprentices :

As per provisions of Apprentices (Amendment) Act, 1973, and 1986, it is a statutory obligation on the part of every employer (State and Central Govt. Departments/undertakings/Autonomous Organisations and Private organisations) by the Act to engage a specified number of Degree/Diploma holders in Engineering/Technology and Vocational Certificate holders in designated trades as Graduate/Technician and Technician (Vocational) apprentices under the Act. The number of such apprentices to be engaged by an employer is determined by the respective Regional Boards of Apprenticeship/ Practical Training.

Hours of work :

Graduate, Technician, Technician (Vocational) apprentice shall work according to the normal hours of work of the department in the establishment to which they are attached for training. No apprentice shall be required or allowed to work overtime except with the approval of the Apprenticeship Adviser who shall not grant such approval unless he is satisfied that such overtime is in the interest of the training of the apprentice or in the public interest. An apprentice shall be entitled to such leave as may be prescribed and to such holidays as are observed in the establishment in which he is undergoing training.

Grant of Leave :

In establishment where proper leave rules do not exist, the total leave of different types admissible to their workers is less than thirty Seven days in a year, the apprentice shall be entitled to the following kind of leave and subject to the conditions specified under each kind of leave.

• Casual Leave :

1. Casual leave shall be admissible for a maximum period of twelve days in a year
2. Any holiday intervening during the period of casual leave shall not be counted for the purpose of limit of twelve days.
3. Casual leave not utilized during any year shall stand lapsed at the end of the year.
4. Casual leave shall not be combined with medical leave. If casual leave is preceded or followed by medical leave the entire leave taken shall be treated either as medical leave or casual leave provided that it shall not be allowed to exceed the maximum period prescribed in respect of medical or casual leave as the case may be.
5. Except in case of extreme urgency applications for such leave shall be made to the appropriate authority and sanction obtained prior to availing of leave.

• Medical Leave :

1. Medical leave up to fifteen days for each year of training may be granted to the apprentice who is unable to attend duty owing to illness.
2. Any holiday intervening during the period of medical leave shall be treated as medical leave and accounted for in the limits prescribed under clause (i) above.
3. The employer may call upon the apprentice to produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner in support of his medical leave. A medical certificate shall, however be necessary if the leave exceeds six days.
4. It shall be open to the employer to arrange a special medical examination of an apprentices if he has reason to believe that the apprentice is not really ill or the illness is not of such a nature as to prevent attendance.

• Extraordinary Leave :

Extraordinary leave upto a maximum of ten days or more in a year may be granted to the apprentice after he has exhausted the entire causal leave and medical leave if the employer is satisfied with genuineness of the grounds on which the leave is applied for.

Training Programme :

• The employer shall make suitable arrangement in his establishment for imparting a course of apprenticeship training to the apprentice in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Rules made there under and with the approval of the respective Regional Central Apprenticeship Adviser.
• Every employer is required to formulate a “Training Programme" for the training of Graduate/Technician/Technician (Vocational) apprentices and get it approved by the respective Regional Central Apprenticeship Adviser.
• The employer will arrange for a suitable person to be placed as in-charge of training of apprentices as laid down under the Act and Rules there under.
Offer of Appointment :

It shall not be obligatory on the part of the employer to offer any employment to the apprentice on completion of period of apprenticeship training in his establishment not shall it be obligatory on the part of the apprentice to accept an employment under the employer.
Note: If, however, there is a condition in the contract of apprenticeship that the apprentices shall, after the successful completion of training serve the employer shall, on such completion be bound to offer suitable employment to the apprentice and the apprentice shall be bound to serve the employer in that capacity for such period and for such remuneration as may be specified in the contract, subject to the approval of the Regional Central Apprenticeship Adviser.

Employer's liability for compensation of injuries :
If personal injury is caused to an apprentice by an accident arising in the course of his training as an apprentice his employer shall be liable to pay compensation which shall be determined and paid, so far as may be, in accordance with the provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 subject to the modifications specified in the schedule
Reimbursement of Stipend :

The Claims for reimbursement of Govt. share of stipend at 50% on minimum prescribed rate should be preferred on quarterly basis in arrears i.e., the apprentices engaged under the Act are to be paid full amount of stipends at the prescribed rates by the employer in the first instance, and a claim raised later on quarterly basis. The quarters should be as follows:

April to June : Ist Quarter
July to September : 2nd Quarter
October to December : 3rd Quarter
January to March : 4th Quarter
The claims should be preferred in prescribed form. No claim which is 3 years old is payable.

Termination of Contract :

Where the contract of apprenticeship is terminated through failure on the part of any employer in carrying out the terms and conditions there of, such employer shall be liable to pay the apprentice the compensation of an amount equivalent to his three months last drawn stipend and when the said termination is due to failure on the part of an apprentice in the above manner then, a training cost of an amount to be determined by the App. Adviser concerned shall be made recoverable from such apprentice or from his guardian in case he is minor. However, the contract of Apprenticeship can be terminated without payment of compensation payable by the apprentice :

a. Provided both the parties are agreeable for the earlier termination of the contract

b. Provided the apprentice got a regular employment (on production of a copy of the appointment order )

c. Provided the apprentice is unable to continue training on medical ground (on production of certificate to this effect from a Medical Officer not below the rank of Civil Surgeon).
Where the contract of apprenticeship is terminated for failure on the part of the apprentice to carry out terms of contract in such event, the apprentice shall not be entitled to enter into another contract of apprenticeship under the Act with any other employer.

Issue of Training Certificates ( download ) :

Every graduate or technician apprentice or technician (Vocational) apprentice, who completes his apprenticeship training to the satisfaction of the concerned regional Board, shall be granted a certificate of proficiency by that Board .


please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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