please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Thursday, 24 November 2011


(A Government of India Enterprise)
Phone : 0484-2720911-14,  Fax: 0484 -2720893  Website-
HOCL a multiunit Chemical Company known world over for its quality products is looking for the following positions at their Unit at Ambalamugal, Kerala State. 
1.CHEMICAL OPERATOR GR.IIINo.of Posts – 2 ( 1 SC &  1 PWD- Hearing impaired)
Qualifications : Diploma in Chemical Engineering/Diploma in Petro- Chemical Engg. / B.Sc (Chemistry) / B.Sc(Industrial Chemistry) / B.Sc(Petro Chemical) Experience : Minimum two years experience in Plant Operation in the Production Department of a large Chemical/Petro-chemical/Refinery Plant
2.JUNIOR CHEMIST GR.III -  No of Posts – 3 (1 UR,1 OBC & 1 PWD – Hearing impaired) Qualifications : B.Sc (Chemistry) Experience: Minimum three years experience in an analytical lab  of a large Chemical / Petro-chemical/Refinery Plant.
3.TECHNICIAN(MECHANICAL) GR.III - No of Posts – 1 (UR) Qualifications : Diploma in Mechanical engineering with 1st class Boiler Attendant Certificate. Experience: Minimum 2 years experience in a boiler having a minimum of 12 Ton/Hour capacity water tube type and operation of air compressors and cooling towers in a continuous process industry.
4.MEDICAL ASSISTANT GR.III - No of Posts – 2 ( 1 UR & 1 OBC  ) Qualifications : Diploma in  Nursing. Should be a qualified nurse and registered in the Nursing Council of the State. Experience: Minimum 2 years experience in the field.
5..DRIVER –CUM-FIRE & SAFETY OPERATOR GR.III-  No of Posts – 4 ( 2 UR & 2 OBC  )    Qualifications : SSLC,  HMV Licence, Recognised Certificate in Fire Fighting & First Aid Preference will be given to candidates with Diploma in Fire & Safety or equivalent qualification recognized by the Government. Experience: Minimum 2 years experience as Driver-cum-Fire & Safety Operator in a  large industry / Govt.Dept.
6. FIRE & SAFETY OPERATOR GR.III-  No. of Posts – 5 ( 2 UR & 3 OBC )    Qualifications : SSLC,   Recognised Fire Fighting & First Aid Training Certificate Experience: Minimum 2 years experience as Fire Operator in a  large industry / Govt.Dept.
7.CRANE/FORKLIFT OPERATOR-CUM-DRIVER GR.III - No of Posts– 1 (UR) Qualifications : SSLC with HMV Licence. Experience: Minimum 2 years experience in the operation of crawler mounted hydraulic/mechanical cranes or truck mounted hydraulic crane or rough terrain tyre mounted hydraulic crane all fitted with load mounted indication system having minimum capacity of 10 tonnes and also experience in the operation of forklift with power transmission system
8. TECHNICIAN (INSTRUMENTATION) TRAINEE – No. of Posts 3 ( 1 UR & 2 OBC ) Qualifications : Diploma in Instrument Technology with First Class.
9. OFFICE ASSISTANT TRAINEENo. of Posts – 6 ( 2 UR, 3 OBC & I PWD – Visually Handicapped)            Qualifications : First Class Graduate in any discipline with proficiency in computer operations such as word processing, MS Office etc. First Class Graduate with Diploma in Commercial Practice will be given preference.
10. OFFICE ASSISTANT(HINDI) TRAINEENo. of Posts – 1 (UR) Qualifications  : First Class Graduate/ Post Graduate  in Hindi with proficiency in computer operations using Hindi Software.


Qualifications  : First Class Commerce Graduate with proficiency in computer operations such as word processing, MS Office etc. First Class Commerce Graduate with Diploma in Commercial Practice will be given preference.
12. ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN (MECHANICAL/FITTER/FABRICATOR) TRAINEENo. of Posts - 2(1 UR & 1 OBC )  Qualifications : SSLC with ITI (Fitter)                                                                                                                                                             
For Post No.1 to 5 -   ` 9820 - 23200 + Allowances.
For Post No.6 & 7  -   ` 9150 - 22100 + Allowances                                                                                                                                       
a)       For posts No. 8 to 11 the training period will be Two years on a  consolidated  monthly stipend of ` 8000/- during the first year and ` 10000/- during the second year of training. On successful completion of training the candidates will be placed in the scale of pay of ` 9820 – 23200.
b)      For post No.12  the training period will be One year on a consolidated monthly stipend of ` 8000/-. On successful completion of training the candidates will be placed in the scale of pay of ` 9150-22100.
MAXIMUM AGE AS ON 31.10.2011 -  3O YEARS for Posts No.1 to 7 and 25 YEARS for Posts No. 8 to 12.   Relaxation of Age :- 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC and  10 years for PWD  candidates (degree of disability 40% and above).  For Ex- servicemen, relaxation of age will be  the period of military service plus three years for Posts No.1 to 7 only.
1. Only Male Candidates need to apply for  Posts No 1 to 8 and Post No.12.
2. Besides salary, other benefits such as house rent allowance/ accommodation, perquisites, allowances,  medical benefits for self  and family including dependent parents,  CPF,  gratuity,  subsidised canteen facility, uniforms etc. are admissible as per rules of the Company.
3. Higher starting salary in the advertised scales may be offered depending on merits and as per rules of the company.
4. Persons at present working in Government/ Semi-Government/PSUs should apply through proper channel.
5. The candidates called for interview will be paid second class single to and fro rail / bus fares by the shortest route, as per rules of the Company.
6. Other things being equal,  preference will be given to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/ Ex-servicemen/ land affected persons of Phenol Project \ Ex- Apprentices. of HOCL.
7. The vacancies notified include  existing vacancies and vacancies that may arise in future.
APPLICATION FEE : ` 100/- in the form of a demand draft drawn in favour of Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited payable at Ambalamedu / Ernakulam. (SC/ST/PWD/Ex-servicemen candidates are exempted from payment of application fee)
The application should be submitted online in the prescribed format available at our website and the printout of the application along with the enclosures are to be sent to The General Manager (P&A), Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited, Ambalamugal, Ernakulam Dist.,Kerala – 682302.
For detailed instructions visit our website
Online application can be submitted from 15.11.2011(10:00 Hrs) to  30.11.2011 (17:00 Hrs).The print out of the application along with enclosures should reach us on or before 07.12.2011

please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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