The University of Burdwan
Rajbati. Burdwan
Advertisement for Research Fellow
A walk-in-interview will be held on 02/12/11 for the selection of research
fellow for the DST (Government of India), sponsored project entitled “The
simultaneous inhibition of plasminogen activator along with vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in controlling angiogenesis”, under guidance
of Dr. Anupam Basu, Associate professor, Dept. of Zoology.
Qualifications: M.Sc in any branch of Biological science, preferably with NET
Fellowship: As per DST norms. (In case of joining of non-NET candidate,
fellowship will be Rs. 8000 per month and designated as project assistant as per
DST norms)
Tenure of the project: January 2014
Procedure: Interested candidate can appear before selection committee at 12.00
hour at office of the Registrar along with dully filled prescribed application
form obtained from University sale’s counter for paying of Rs. 200.
Application form can be downloaded from University website and be enclosed
with Demand draft of Rs. 200/- drawn in favour of finance officer, Burdwan
University, payable at Burdwan.
Click here to download Application Form